chapter 6 - season 1

77 3 7

word count: 4.3k
warnings: none, shinoa's fruity but i love her

"Anyone know where I can take a shower? I feel disgusting." Mitsuba's voice rings as she clambers down the stairs. Kimizuki looks at her, unbothered, as he shrugs his shoulders. "Not sure, but there might be a clear water source nearby. Check the map." He answers, raising a hand to wave dismissively at her. You look over to Kimizuki, waiting for him to tell you where the map is. He glances at you for a moment before looking back at Mitsuba. "It's with Makoto, he's in our room." The pink haired boy replies.

Wordlessly, you get up from your seat on the couch and hurry up the stairs with Mitsuba. You walk down the hallway and knock on Makoto's door. A soft 'come in' can be heard a few seconds after. Makoto's brown orbs are the first thing you see inside the room and you give him a polite smile, "Kimizuki says you have the map? We want to check out the nearest water source." You ask, the older boy's face lighting up in realisation.

"Oh, yeah. I might know where it is, I can take you to it if you want." He replies, already digging around the space for the map. You and Mitsuba blink at each other silently before looking back at the boy. He stands back up, straightening his posture as he looks back at the two of you. "That sounded like I was way too enthusiastic, didn't it?" He asks with a rather embarrassed chuckle, raising a hand to scratch the back of his neck.

You purse your lips and nod your head silently. Makoto sighs, shaking his head and running a hand through his hair. "Sorry, I meant, do I really have to take you there? I'm too lazy." He fakes a groan and rolls his eyes. You just roll your eyes back while Mitsuba gives a sarcastic laugh. "I'm gonna go get Shinoa," She announces before turning around and disappearing down the hallway into her room. "I'll go and pack my things," you smile a little at the older boy before slipping away and into your own.

Shinoa and Mitsuba's laughter sounds from just down the hall, you assume their room door must be open. You exhale softly, it must be nice to laugh like that with people, especially in a world like this. The thought of Yui and Xen pops into your mind again, the only time you've ever really laughed like that is with the two of them; after you left the Demon Army of course. Although, you know that behind that laughter, they're both still worried about everything else.

You shake your head, forcing yourself to get rid of the thoughts; even though they really just linger at the back of your mind and Kuzu-no-ha won't even be nice about it. You grab your bag and stuff a new change of clothes into it as well as a towel. You'll have to think about how you're going to keep the wet towel but that's a problem for later.

Makoto knocks on your door a few moments later, making your head perk up as you look at him. "You ready?" He asks, you nod your head in response and sling your bag over your shoulder; noting silently that Shinoa and Mitsuba are behind him. He nods his head as well, walking away and down the stairs. "Hey, I'm bringing the girls to a water source, we'll be back later." He voices out to the few people sitting in the living area. Yoichi gives him a thumbs up but nobody else really answers.

The four of you head into the car as Makoto begins to drive off. You take the initiative of sitting up front with Makoto while the other two girls bicker with each other in the back. "Can you help me hold the map?" The brown haired boy asks, handing the map over you as you get into the car. You look up at him and nod, taking it from his hands before strapping yourself.

You open it, fumbling around with a bit of struggle before looking at its contents. A frown tugs at your brows as you look at it, confused as to what's on it. You don't understand what you're looking at at all. "Uhm, I'm not sure I'll be able to help you much..." You say, already struggling to pinpoint where your current location is. Makoto chuckles beside you, leaning over to look at the map. You hold your breath and the sudden close proximity.

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