chapter 3 - season 1

66 2 1

word count: 3.6k
warnings: violence, cursing, lmk if there's more

"Rise and shine, Y/N!" A high pitched voice practically screams into your ear, waking you up from your sleep abruptly. Dazed as you are, you keep your eyes closed and murmur something incoherent. However, all of a sudden, something, or someone crashes onto your body on the bed.

A choked gasp leaves your lips and your eyes snap open, revealing a child on top of you. "Y...Yui," you cough, grabbing hold of her. She squeals as you set her down on the bed next to you. You push yourself up into a sitting and look around the room, noticing Xen standing at your door. "She wanted to surprise you," he chuckles. You yawn in between a laugh and shake your head, patting the girl on the head lightly. Xen walks in, taking a seat next to you on the bed. He rests his arm over your waist and presses a kiss to your forehead. "Good morning," you murmur, he hums softly in response. "Morning,"

You exhale and look at Yui who's tugging at your hand. You smile and bend down to kiss her cheek, her doing the same as you. "Are you going out today?" She asks, looking innocently up at you. You sigh and nod your head, pinching her cheek lightly. "Yes, I have to. I will be back, though, don't worry." You reassure the small girl. She smiles at you widely and jumps into your lap.

Shinoa pops her head into your room, knocking on the open door lightly. She gives an awkward smile as she looks at you. "Yes?" You call, ignoring the way Yui is grabbing at your hair. Xen tries to stop her, carrying her into his lap as she pouts. "Mikaela and Yuu are going with you for patrol today, I hope that's okay with you." She says, you give her a small smile and nod your head. "That's okay, tell them we'll be leaving in an hour and to meet me at the nursery." You say, she smiles and nods her head before disappearing down the hall.

You exhale softly and ruffle Yui's hair lightly, standing up from the bed. "I should go wash up," you say, stretching your limbs as you hear Xen hum softly. You get ready and wash up, Xen helps you brush your hair and untangle the knots, before making your way to the nursery with him and Yui.

Kids clamber around you, laughter and squeals filling your ears. Yui lets go of your hand and runs towards her friends, jumping around with them. You help Xen serve breakfast to the kids and wait for the two boys to show up.

Yui thanks you with a big smile when you give her the plate of food. You take a seat next to her on one of the small chairs, mainly because she's forced you to sit at the table with her. Xen takes a seat next to you, but the both of you struggle to sit properly at the small table and chairs. The small girl's laughter fills your ears and she speaks with her mouth full, which you have to remind her not to do so.

When Yuichioru and Mikaela show up, you bid Xen and Yui goodbye, the boy kissing the temple of your head quickly. Red dusts your cheeks but you force it away as you walk towards Yuichirou and Mikaela. "Ready to go?" You ask, nodding to the two boys. The expressions on their faces look rather neutral, if they saw what Xen did then they're definitely not doing or saying anything about it.

"Yeap!" Yuichirou chirps, nodding his head enthusiastically. He's as cheery as ever, a social butterfly you assume. Mikaela glances at the black haired boy for a second before nodding his head stiffly and wordlessly, not much of a talker you guess. With that, you not your head and lead them out of the community with you, greeting the guards on your way out.

The area you're patrolling is rather silent. You think it's a bit odd since there's usually Horsemen of John lurking around. "Is it always this silent?" You hear Yuichirou ask, his head twisting in different directions as if he's anticipating for something to jump out. You shake your head in response. "The Horsemen of John are usually lurking around. Keep your eyes open for any suspicious things." You reply. Could it perhaps be a trap? Maybe the vampires have set something up and are using the Horsemen of John.

i will wait for you // mikaela hyakuyaWhere stories live. Discover now