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Hey lovelies :} i've missed this! i'm excited to continue making new chapters (regardless of season 2's new episodes/ships smh)


Edric's POV:

It's been a long day.

Mom was pissy as usual and Dad was too busy in his workshop to notice his kids and wife. I've been spending more time at the Owl House to get my mind off my mother. Honestly, I feel happier and more cared for here than I do in my own home. Plus, I get to see the angry blonde more. An unfortunate downside is having to see Mittens and the Human sucking each others faces whenever they can. It's nasty. Like, get a room or something.

Hey! At least the weather is decent.. for the Boiling Isles. I enjoy my me-time but I get so bored! Which is why I'm on my way to the Human's home so I won't have to grovel in crippling self doubt!

It ain't easy being me but y'know, I do my best! I glance at the front door and see the creepy owl, demon, thing. I don't think even Eda knows what it is..

"WELLL HIIIII NEW FRIEND!!" I grimace at the voice and glance towards the door, hoping someone saw me through a window. I really don't wanna have to touch the psychotic creature.

I hear footsteps and the sunshine of my life opens the door.

"Hey owl thing, why don't u tone it down a bi-"

I practically dive into Hunter's arms and kick the door shut, toppling over him in the process.

"Ouch," he groans. I look down, noticing that I was straddling him. A wide smirk makes its way onto my face.

"Well hello gorgeous, fancy seeing you here," I smile cockily at him. Hunter glares at me while I pull myself (sadly) off of him. "What are you doing here asparagus?" My smile only brightens from the nickname and I put a hand on my hip. "Aww you have a nickname for me." Hunter grimaces and I swear I saw his ears redden.

"That's what you look like, you bozo." I extend a hand out to help him up and he stumbles into my chest. I laugh loudly and he stiffens and shoves me away from him. It's amazing how flustered I can make him with a big smirk and some fantastic humor.

-a while later-

I've been at the Owl House for about, what, 6 hours now? A little bit ago, Mittens and Em came over, since Mom was breaking things. We've been doing random things around the house since they got here. The best part was chilling in the lounge room eating snacks, playing with King, avoiding Hooty, and pestering Eda.

"Hey goldie," I elbowed Hunter. "What say you and I go explore?"

"Explore? We've been almost everywhere."

"Then we'll find somewhere new!" I smiled.

"Fine, but only because I'm bored."

My smile widens in joy and I leap off the couch, dragging the golden boy behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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