Sleepover part 2

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Sooooooooo i fell asleep after attempting to watch Tommyinnit and I forgot to make this chapter and post it before I slept haha-- anyways welcome to part 2 of the sleepover and thank you to the people that voted and already saved this story! :D Also, I started this at 4 AM and didn't get back to it until 2:30 in the afternoon :')).


"Hey Blondie, come hang out with us!" Edric calls to me. I hesitate and then begrudgingly walk down the stairs towards the green-haired twins. Ed and Em smile brightly at me but I stare at my feet. They glance at each other but then they each grab one of my arms and pull me to the couch. I flop down and stare up at them in confusion. "GUYS I JUST HAD THE MOST AWESOME IDEA!" shouts my sister. I glance towards where she's hanging on the banister. "WE SHOULD HAVE A SLEEPOVER!" Amity smiles, "Sure Luz. Ed, Em do you guys want to stay over too?" They both smile pretty wide, "Of course we will, Mittens!" Emira exclaims, using Amity's childhood nickname.  Edric plops next to me on the couch and smiles brightly. "Hey, today we can finally bond!" I smile over at him and nod my head, a slight blush blooming on my cheeks. Huh.


The Blights and the Clawthornes are sitting on the couch absorbed in a movie that Luz put on the TV (yes TV's exist in my story because we're gonna say Eda found it in the human realm). It's already half past 1 AM and Eda is upstairs snoring away in her room. The witches and human on the couch yawn in sync, and droop into the couch. "C'mon guys, we should go to sleep," Luz laughs. "Hunter, you okay with sharing your room with Ed?" the human asks. "Oh, Yeah sure," I say. "Alright! I'm sharing my room with Amity and Em then." She smiles and bounces off towards her room with the female witches following behind. I glance over to where Edric is still flopped across the arm of the couch. I roll my eyes and nudge his shoulder. "Nooo I wanna stay heree.." Edric sleepily groans. I sigh, "No, c'mon we're going to my room." Ed turns over and shields his face in the couch cushions. I throw my head back and sigh, stretching my arms a bit I pick up the green-haired boy with ease. He looks at me with golden-eyed shock. I smirk and think to myself 'training in the Emperor's Coven really paid off huh'. I make sure he's secure and carry him upstairs bridal style. We get to my room and i drop him on the floor with a thud. "oW!" Ed complains. "Hey, don't be complainin' I carried you all the way up here," I grin.

Okay so uh since i haven't been able to finish writing this chapter due to school and strict parents; i'm posting it as this and making a part 3. Writing shouldn't be this difficult 😭
Love yall ~ Elion

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