Chapter 7

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Mariah's P.O.V

I could see that discused face on crystal's face because me and ryan were making out it felt really good until the ginger bitch messed it all up she told Ally who told Sabrina who told Jessica who told Laquisha who told Emily who freaked out and came over and slapped my Ryry thats my nickname for him so you know I had to slap the crappiolies out of her cuz you know how I be rollin anyway I beat her up and then made out with ryan again you know the ush and then the bus came and we were off to school again TGIF ( THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY) I cant stand one more day without my two day break.Ever since me and Ryan started to date Crystal has been acting really weird she almost seems kinda mad but im sure what ever happened has nothing to do with my relationship.Anyway I just noticed that me, Crystal, Ryan, and Shawn are in the same homeroom then Crystal had this great idea that after school we all go out for pizza it seemed like a good idea so we all went along with the plan but I was alittle worried that Ryan and Shawn would get into a fight while we were out. So I went to my house and got dressed
I met up with Ryan, Shawn,and crystal was wearing this we walked into Georgio's and ordered bacon pizza, cheese pizza, 4 orders of fries and chicken fingers. Crystal and shawn raced to a booth and me and ryan looked at them like they were insane, crystal looked like she liked shawn and shawn looked like he loved crystal. It would be kind of funny but Very cute adorable if they dated but it would be very weird and awkward at the same time since were all in the same homeroom and what if they broke up that would be worse she dident take it so well when her and Lucas broke up she cryed her eyes out for months. So anyways me and Ryry ordered the food and we told Shawn and Crystal to help us with it but they both just sat there and just stared at us like we were crazy "What are we going to do with them" I said "lock them in a closet together" Ryry said I laughed and said "ikr" me and Ryan walk to the table and I said sarcasticly " thanks for helping out" "your welcome"

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