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Carver turned towards the group of firefighters huddled around the teenager. 

“Let’s go Sadie.”

She almost bit out. 

Sadie looked up to Brett with tears still in her eyes. The paramedic gave her a reassuring smile before nudging her towards the woman.

They followed behind Kelly and Trudy making their way to the front of the house.

Before they made it out of the building Stella and Chief Boden walked out to the app floor.

"Mrs. Carver, can we speak in my office please?"

Chief asked, looking between her and his Lieutenant.

"I'm afraid this doesn't concern you Chief."

"When it comes to my firefighters it does."

Carver looked at him for a moment longer before nodding.

"Fine…let's go."

The group made their way inside. 

Stepping into Boden's office, Carver stopped mid-step when she noticed who stood in the room with them. 

"Ah Tina, thank you for joining us."

It was Stephen Yost, her Supervisor. And next to him stood Ryan Pace, with a thick file that she recognized. 

The sound of Boden closing the door loudly behind her caused her to jump a bit.

"What's going on here?"

She asked looking around the room, noticing that Trudy was uncuffing Kelly.

"That's a question we would like to ask you."

Yost said matter of factly as he took the file that Ryan was handing him. 

"It has been brought to my attention that there has possibly been some mishandling of the Severide's case?"

"No, not at all. The Severide's have been through a lot so I take special care in their case."

She watched nervously as Yost flipped through the file. 

"You're right they have…it seems Sadie was a victim in the school shooting a few months back."


"And then both her and Mr. Severide were involved in an automotive accident."


"So now I'm trying to figure out why there's a no contact protective order in place….as it seems there's no real reason? As those are usually used for victims of abuse."

Carver nervously cleared her throat.

"Well if you look back, there was an incident where Sadie had to go to the hospital for a broken arm as well."

"And you believe that was caused by physical abuse from Mr. Severide?"

"Well I haven't had the chance to investigate it fully, I have a lot of other family cases as well.  But…yes I believe it was caused by physical abuse."

There was a brief pause before Sadie's voice broke the silence. 


All eyes swung to her.

She stood in front of Stella, her eyes dark with anger. 

"Miss Severide? Care to explain?"

Yost asked slightly confused

"My brother has never laid a hand on me!"

"Well how did you break your arm? It seems there's not an official medical file in here detailing that incident."

He glanced over to Carver

"I broke it when I was trying to ice skate. If you need proof, call my current foster mom Maggie Lockwood. She's a nurse who was working the night it happened."

She watched as he scribbled on a notepad he had handy. 

"Mr. Yost"

Boden spoke up this time

"We believe Mrs. Carver is using her position to retaliate against the Severide's. It seems my Lieutenant here worked on the arson case that resulted in her father being arrested and imprisoned."  

Yost leveled a glare at Carter.

"Is this true?"

"N-No sir it's not…I-"

"Sir there's also a file in here pre dated for next week….stating that Sadie ran away from her foster home. And it's signed by Mrs. Carver."

Ryan stated, handing the paper to his boss. 

After looking at it for a moment Yost looked at Trudy. 

"Officer…that sounds like a falsified document, does it not? And it is illegal?"

She nodded

"Yes Sir, it does and it is."

Trudy smiled as she walked up to Carver, taking her hands and placing her in cuffs. 

"No! Please! I can explain!"

Carver begged

"You can in court."

Yost stated slapping the file down on Boden's desk. 

They watched as Trudy escorted her out of the building and into the back of the patrol car. 

Everyone in the firehouse stood outside watching as they pulled away. 

Kelly looked down at his little sister, he laughed as she gave Carver the middle finger. And he didn't stop her, he joined her. 

Both Severides gave her the middle finger salute until she was out of view. 

**Do I end it here or keep going? Let me know 😁****

An Unexpected Family Reunion: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now