Benefit of the Doubt

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Back at Firehouse 51 in Chief Boden's office were himself, Sadie, Kelly, Stella, and Sgt Trudy Platt who was there acting in an official capacity (there to be an Officer, not a friend).

"Sadie, what were you thinking?"
Kelly shouted so loud everyone outside of the office could hear.

"Kelly, I didn't do anything! I didn't pull that fire alarm!"

He glared at her
"They have you on the security cameras."

"Well I would like to see it because this is bullshit!"

"Language young lady!"
Trudy scolded
She along with everyone at Firehouse 51 has taken some sort of responsibility for Sadie. For Sadie, Trudy had become a mother figure.
Boden focused his gaze on the young girl

"Sadie, you do realise how serious this is? You could go to jail for it."

"I love how much faith y'all have in me."
She stated, feeling hurt.

Stella tried to play the good guy routine, she knelt down to Sadie's eye level where she sat cross armed in a chair.

"Look Sadie, if you did it, do the mature thing and take responsibility for it."

Sadie yelled, getting up from her chair and heading for the door.

Trudy shouted, freezing Sadie in her spot.


Sadie did as she was told, there were a few quiet moments before Boden's computer chimed, signalling a new message.

"The school just sent over the security camera footage."

The adults all crowded behind his desk, watching the footage in silence.

"Sadie, that is you, clear as day! Wearing a CFD hoodie and everything!"
Kelly stood crossing his arms, glaring at his little sister, who was still wearing the hoodie Cruze gave her. A look of confusion on her face.

Trudy interrupted, squinting and getting closer to the screen.
"Back it up a little?....There!"
Chief paused the video, the right hand of the teenager on the fire alarm handle.
"It's not Sadie."
She stated, looking up to see a look of relief on the girl's face.

"Trudy, no offence...but that looks like her."
Kelly stated, still pissed.

"Look again"

They backed up the video, the student had the hood of the CFD hoodie pulled up to hide their face, the sleeves pushed up to their elbows.

"Do you see that person wearing anything on their right arm?"


She looked up at Sadie
"Hold your right arm up Hun."

Sadie did as she was told, showing them her purple cast with the signatures of friends and firefighters scrawled all over it, which apprently everyone forgot she had.
A look of realisation dawned on her brother's face.

An Unexpected Family Reunion: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now