Chapter fourteen ¹⁴ | Marshmallow Milkshakes

Start from the beginning

"It was two times." Tara chimed in, putting it out for the record, causing the three to laugh.

"Oh my god, do you know what we need to do? Double dates. Us and Charlie, tomorrow night before the concert, milkshakes."

"And Milo." Nick added on, causing both girls' heads to whip away from looking at each other to Nick.

"And Milo?" Tara asked with a big grin.

"So like... you, Charlie... and Milo?" Darcy asked with her own grin forming. Nick looks down bashfully before nodding silently causing Darcy to let out a weird held back squeal.

"Nick Nelson collecting all the adorable guys. So Us, Charlie and Milo, tomorrow night before the concert, milkshakes." Darcy teased before rewording her suggestion to include Milo in it.

"I like milkshakes." Nick agreed, causing the other two to cheer.

"I can't read Tao's handwriting so that was a waste of time." Milo groaned out with a pout plopping down between Tara and Nick where there was a space left for him.

"Milo, what's your thoughts on sweet drinks?" Tara asked with a hidden meaning only the other two knew, causing Milo to look over at her with a shrug and the natural smile he usually had.

"Hm, it's sweet, a liquid, drinkable and... did I say sweet already?"

• • • • • • •

The four were walking back towards the gym at the end of lunch, Nick and Milo offering to walk them back.

"Don't feel like you have to come out to anyone before you're ready." Tara advised and reassured Nick as they walked back near the gym entrance, Milo silently nodding agreeing with Tara's words.

"Oh. Yeah." Nick simply responded, hands tucked away in his jacket pockets.

"Being out is hard. A lot of people will see you in a different way, and it is a lot to deal with." Tara continued though Milo, not wanting Nick to take her caution words the wrong way, also added in from where he walked on the other side of Nick.

"Exactly, and if you do come out, you know already Tara, Darcy, Charlie and I are there for you every step of the way." Milo's reassuring words helping.

"Can I ask you something?" Nick asked Tara when they finally got to the gym doors. Tara nodded, giving him the go ahead with a causal yeah.

"Are you, like, definitely gay? Or like do you think your bi, or... I mean when we were thirteen, I think I did like you. I mean, I think I have liked girls before, so I wondered if you felt the same." Nick rambled to see if Tara had thought the same way he had at one stage.

"I'm definitely gay. Kissing you was actually one of the things that made me realise I don't like kissing guys." Tara answered Nick's long winded question. Nick let out a choked laugh while Milo turned around to face away from them trying to hold back a smile looking at Darcy who waited by the door holding back her own smile at how Tara had worded her answer.

"Uh, okay. Um... happy to help." Nick's response got a few chuckles out of everyone as Milo turned around again.

"See you tomorrow?" Tara double checked with Nick that the plan was still on.

"Yeah." Nick replied but stopped Tara from going into the gym, continuing on "You're kind of the first people I've told about Charlie and Milo." This news not just to the two girls as Milo looked at Nick confused.

"Really?" Tara asked stunned that Nick had felt comfortable enough to tell her and Darcy first.

"Yeah." Nick responds with his usually one worded replies when it comes to saying yes.

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