Chapter 1

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It was pouring rain. Even with the windshield wipers on high, it was still quite hard to see. Mia was driving frantically for no apparent reason. She really just wanted to get there and get out as soon as possible even though there was a set arrival and departure time. No one was on the road at this hour. Probably because it was a road that nobody had ever heard of. Death Drive. Not suspicious at all. Mia thought sarcastically. She wasn't scared, though. She had driven along stupider road names. Monarchy Lane, Doodlebug Drive, Antelope Boulevard, even This Totally DOESN'T Lead To A Cliff Street. Contrary to the name, there was a green field at the end and no cliff.

Mia vigorously shook her head, as if the the thoughts would fall out of her ears, and concentrated on the road. It was quite dark for a midsummer evening, but Mia didn't question it. She was used to driving in the dark because she, originally, worked the "graveyard shift" at a fast food restaurant.

She whizzed past a sign, but she could make out the words. Gulliver's Mansion Straight Ahead. It was 6:50. Not too early, not too late. She pulled in front of a locked, metal gate. There was a speaker with a red button in which Mia assumed she could ask the butler and the like to open the gate, but, instead the gate opened without Mia's permission. That's odd. Mia thought to herself. Despite her thoughts, Mia drove up the slightly slanted driveway that led up to a coincidently shady mansion.

Mia cautiously got out of the car and double checked that her car was locked. She wasn't necessarily afraid, just suspicious, if you will.

Mia walked up to the door ready to ring the doorbell. Surely, the door wouldn't open by itself like the gate. Sadly, Mia was mistaken. Before she even moved her hand forward to touch the doorbell, the door opened unexpectedly. This place has got to have security cameras or something, right? Mia asked herself. "Come in, darling," a voice said in a, what sounded like, sinister whisper. It came out more like "daaawling" though.

Mia was startled but obeyed the voice. She slowly walked inside and looked for the owner of the voice. Nothing. No one there. It's got to be a prank! Mia assured herself. "This way, my pet," the voice said, the sinister sound still lurking in it.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a dark blue light appeared. "Come here, Mia," addressed the voice which seemed to be coming from the light. Unexpectedly, Mia had this feeling to follow the light.

The light led Mia to the dining room. Mia looked up and gasped. There were chandeliers galore. Just gorgeous chandeliers. Dangling diamonds, pure gold, just gorgeous. Above the chandeliers was a ceiling painting. It was marvelous. Angels with harps and trumpets. Clouds all over, white clouds. Whoever painted this has some real talent. Mia thought. Again, Mia vigorously shook her head. Mia walked towards a chair and, not to Mia's surprise, the chair pulled out by itself. "Sit down, Mia. Wait until the other guests arrive," the light said. Other guests? Mia thought, her eyes wide open. "You seem scared, Mia," the light said.

"Scared? I'm not scared!" Mia confirmed.

"Really? Well, Mia, I hate to break it to you, but you really should be," the light said. And at that, it disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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