5. Dear old mummy

Start from the beginning

Du- attention. This is our new teacher who will be substituting for professor Trelawney while she is in the hospital for..unknown causes

I smirked as he looked at me, she said my family was evil, so I showed her evil, by that I mean I slipped something into her stupid tea, it didn't kill her but it stunned her and when she woke up she had a small heart attack, she'll live but now she knows not to fuck with my family.

Du-that's all enjoy your breakfast everyone

Y- wait what was her name I wasn't paying attention

M- miggle

Y- tf is a miggle

Mi-it is my last name, thank you very much. Now you two should be eating not standing around

Y- sure thing miss miggle


I started laughing and walked away sitting down and eating my food slowly, bloody fool thinks I care about her name

J- how about you don't try and kill this one k?

Y- I didn't try and kill her, if I had she wouldn't have lived, I simply taught her a lesson but I'll go easy on this one  I promise

D- like the one you taught me this morning? Did soooo much

He held up my journal again and I jumped up

Y- I swear to god Malfoy give it-



Her eyes went wide but dumbledore put his hand on her arm and she stopped walking my way

Y- give it back.

D- or what?

Y- I knew you had some bloody plan Malfoy. That's why you were being so nice, wasn't it?

D- maybe

Y- I'm going to kill you. I hope you know that. So sleep with one eye open for now on Malfoy, don't bother locking the doors either cause I can always find a way in

He smirked and I took my book back before walking away to go to Divination with this new teacher, she looks like a bloody mole-rat but oh well, I guess I'll go easy on her it is her first day

I sat in my normal seat towards the back when Harry walked in

H- hey y/n

I nodded and Ron walked in bumping into me

R- I-oh hey y/n sorry I didn't see you

Y- it's okay I shouldn't be standing here like an idiot

H- we saw the new teacher today

R- as long as she's nothing like the last I'll be okay

Y- don't be so sure about tha-

D- well well well...what have we here? Planning a playdate D'ore?

Y- no we're planning your death wanna know the details

That wiped the smug smile from his face and he walked away making me smile

H- Merlin I love how fast you shut him up

Y- only if it always worked


H- bye

I nodded again and they both walked away sitting down, in the middle of the class she had us casting some spell on the cups of tea to show us the leaves in the air but I failed lighting the cup on fire before it exploded

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