Chapter five

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I woke up on the shitty cot in the nurses room. I rubbed my eyes and tried to sit up. I guess this wasn't a bad dream after all. I sat up and saw Billy standing in the doorway watching me.

"Y/N you're a wake!"

"Oh Billy, what happened?"

His brow furrowed in concern as he walked over to me.

"You bumped into me in the hallway and you seemed freaked out. I followed you to your locker and you fainted. I managed to catch you. What the hell happened are you ok?"

I stared at him. There was no way I was gonna tell him about what happened between ghostface and me.

"I uh.. I saw a spider."

Billy looked at me for a moment before he burst out laughing.

"Bullshit. There's no way a spider has Y/N Y/L/N that freaked out."

I awkwardly laughed.

"Yeah I'm deathly afraid of spiders, they're disgusting."

I forced myself to shudder to add
To my lie. He laughed but then became serious again.

"So what about the note you were holding when you fainted? Are you gonna blame that on a spider too?"

I mentally kicked myself and let out a nervous laugh.

"No that was from Tatum, and I probably fainted because I haven't been sleeping and I haven't eaten all day."

God I'm an amazing liar when I need to be. Billy looked at me suspiciously but then nodded his head.

"I guess that makes sense."

He stood up.

"I told Tatum earlier that you were coming over so she already left but I guess I should probably take you home now."

I shook my head.

"No I'm totally fine and you need the help."

He raised an eyebrow.

"You sure? We can always get together another day. "

"No it's fine besides you need all the help you can get."

He chucked and helped me stand up.

"Ok then let's go."


Billy's room was basically the stereotypical teen boy room. His bed was unmade and he had band posters all over the walls. We were lying on his floor, text books and snacks scattered around the room. I was currently trying to explain genetic mutations to him but he just wasn't getting it.

"Billy how are you not getting this, it's literally the easiest topic ever."

"I'm just really really bored. This stuff is stupid anyways."

He rolled onto his back and stared at the celling.

"Let's talk about something else."

"Billy you are literally going to fail bio if you don't get this."

He grabbed a handful of chips and threw them at me.

"Ugh so rude Y/N."

"Me rude? Im not throwing chips at the person trying to help me."

I picked up some chips and threw them at him.He laughed and threw some more.

I rolled over in an attempt to dodge them and ended up crunching the chips that had fallen behind me. We were rolling around on the floor laughing and throwing chips at eachother until we were out of breath. After a few minutes of silence Billy propped himself up on his arm.

"So Scooby, how come you live with Tatum?"

An awkward type of silence surrounded us this time. When I didn't respond right away Billy spoke again.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked you that."

I rolled over to face him.

"No it's ok, someone was gonna ask me about it eventually. My parents umm."

I paused for a moment. Billy's eyes were staring at me so intensely it became hard to breath. His eyes were so gorgeous.

"My parents left me. One morning I woke up and they were gone. They never came back."

He stared at me, a look of sadness crossed his face.

"I'm sorry to hear that Y/N."

"Yeah it really really sucks. I know they left because of me I just don't understand what I did wrong."

"No don't tell yourself that, that's not true. It's not your fault that they left."

"It is though. It has to be. They didn't have any other reason to leave."

Tears started to slowly fall from my eyes and I quickly wiped them away so Billy wouldn't see. He noticed though.

"Y/N are you crying?"

"No no I'm not. I'm more angry then sad."

"I can see you're tears."

I rolled away from him so he wouldn't see me cry.

"I'm sorry it just happened so recently I'm just not over it yet."

I heard some shuffling behind me  and felt Billy's strong arms wrap around me. I let myself melt into him. I just sat there in silence, enjoying the moment.

"Last year my dad cheated on my mom and she left. Just walked out the door and I haven't hurt from her since. I felt so sad and so angry. Then something happened and my dad is gone too.  I was so mad at my dad for breaking up our family and so mad at my parents for abandoning me. I blamed myself for the longest time too."

I turned to look at him.

"What made you stop?"

He paused for a moment, almost as if he was considering if he should say what he wanted too.

" I blamed someone else."

I was about to ask him what he meant by that when the phone rang. Billy cursed under his breath and stood up to answer it, releasing me from his arms in the process.


Billy said answering the phone.

He looked over at me then turned away, muttering under his breath. I strained my ears to listen to him.

"Right now? I can't right now scoobys over. Stu no I can't."

He went silent as he listened to the voice on the other end of the line.

"Fuck fine. I'll meet you there."

He slammed the phone down and let out and angry sigh. He turned to me and ran his hand threw his hair.

"I'm sorry Y/N you have to go, I have to deal with something."

"Ok let me just grab some stuff and I'll be out of your hair."

"Here let me drive you home."

"No it's ok I'll just walk. I like walking at night."

"Ok well call me when you get home so I know you made it alive."

I nodded and grabbed my stuff. As I walked through his bedroom door Billy grabbed my arm.

"Hey I really enjoyed talking to you tonight. I haven't been able to talk like that before."

"What about Sydney, isn't she Your girlfriend don't you guys talk about that stuff?"

I could tell by the look on his face that I just brought up a very sensitive topic.

"No we don't. She doesn't understand me like that."

"Oh sorry I shouldn't ha-"

"Don't apologize it's nice to be real with someone for once. I don't get to do that with her."

And with that he let go of my arm and I left before things could get any weirder.

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