You look beatuiful

Start from the beginning


I walked into home group when the 3 popular girls started calling out my name. "Hey Jess come here for a second will ya?" they chewed on their gum, fluttering their eye lashes, acting like they’re the sweetest people on the planet, to the teachers that is. If you stand alone with them for 5 seconds, you would walk away from them being the most insecure people ever.

 I put my books on my table and then walked over to them. "Hi" I whispered, not really caring about why I was standing there in front of them.

"hey, we heard that you are going out with Calum" Abby the "leader" of the girls questioned me.

 "um no I'm not" I lied, if they found out the truth, it wasn't going to end well.

"oh okay" she said, sounding surprised

 "why?" I asked them, I would say, I just wanted to know, but I don’t really care, but if I say that, then I’d be lying

 "just because it seems like a kind of slutty thing to do don't you think? Going out with a guy that's not in your year?" truthfully that was bull that was coming out of her mouth. She's hooked up with guys in year 12 even ones in Uni (collage if you don’t know what Uni is).

"um not really" I said turning walking away, not caring. I just wanted today to be over.

The bell went. Finally I'm free. I rushed out of the school gates quickly walking home so I could start getting ready. I got a text from calum saying "pick you up at 7? :)" I smiled at it, the thought that he really did want to go out with me just made my day. "okay :)" I sent back to him.

I rushed up upstairs as soon as I got home. Dumping my bag in my room and then taking a shower. Washing my hair. Once I was out of the shower it was 4:30. I dried my hair and then straightened it. Once I had finished with my hair I had realized that I had nothing to wear yet. I went into my cupboard and just chose something that was "fancy" but at the same time wasn't "simple". I ended up picking a black skirt and white top, to tuck in. Once that was done it was 5:45.

Okay 45 minutes get do this, I thought to myself. I grabbed my make up and put some foundation, eye liner and mascara on. It took me a good 15 minutes deciding what shoes and bag to have. I decided to go with just some white flats and brown bag. When I finished putting things in my bag there was a knock at the door. "mum I'm off!" I yelled. She came rushing out. "aww sweetie you look beautiful, have fun" she hugged me before leaving the room do I could answer the door.

I opened the door to find Calums back to me "hey... No not hey... Umm... Hi Jess..." I laughed at what he was doing for he turned around blushing "hey Jess..."

"I thought you were going to say hi" I laughed a bit more

"Hi Jess" he laughed correcting himself.

"Hi Calum" he held out is hand "come on" he smiled at me. Butterflies suddenly went straight into my stomach, knowing that this is all very real. I grabbed his hand and we walked towards the car.


Okay just walk up to the door and knock... That's all you have to do. Okay *knock knock knock*, okay that's done. "Mum I'm off" I yelled Jess yelling, this is so real I just realized. I wondered what to say when I heard her mum talking.

"Hey... No not hey...umm... Hi jess" why couldn't I think about how to say hi, I've done it heaps of times before. I heard giggling from behind me... Oh god that's embarrassing. "Hey Jess" I smiled, trying to ‘play it cool’

"I thought you were going to say hi" she laughed a bit more, oh my god her laugh. It was the cutest thing ever.

"Hi jess" I laughed it off, hoping that, that would be the end of embarrassing moments for the night.

"hi Calum" she smiled, her smile just made me smile even more. I held out my hand realizing that I haven't realized how amazing she looked,

"let's so" she took my hand and as we were walking to the car "you look beautiful" I whispered into her ear.

She smiled and blushed looking away "thank you" I heard her say.


I've never be called beautiful before, apart from my mum. Calum looked amazing himself, just a pair of jeans with a black button up top. When we got to the car he opened up the door of me "there you go ma'am" he said bowing

"why thankyou good sir" I said getting into his car. He had his "P" plates up, I was impressed. Once he got into the car and backed out of the drive way I asked "where are we going?"

 "You will just have to wait" he says a smiling slowly creeping onto his face.

"But I'm not a patient person" I said laughing a bit.

 "well then you're just going to have to be patient today" he says slowing down at a red light looking at me. I smiled back, until the light went green again and he continued driving. 

10 minutes later Calum parked the car and opened up my door. It was amazing. A blanket with some food and some torches, "I was going to get candles but then they would burn out to quickly because I would knock them over" Calum came up behind me.

“It’s amazing" I whisper.

 A picnic on the beach could it be more cliche...

I NEED TO STUDY (a Calum Hood fanfic) *In editing*Where stories live. Discover now