Say Hello to New Book

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Child marriage most often occurs in poor, rural communities. In many regions, parents arrange their daughter's marriage unbeknownst to the girl. That can mean that one day, she may be at home playing with her siblings and the next, she's married off and sent to live in another village with her husband and his family - strangers, essentially. She is pulled out of school. She is separated from her peers. And once married, she is more likely to be a victim of domestic violence and suffer health complications associated with early sexual activity and childbearing.
ICRW's early research provided a deeper understanding of the scope, causes and consequences of child marriage.

So thought of putting this social cause in the form of a story, and what better than our only beloved SidNaaz.

This Book will be completely different from the show Balika Vadhu. Only its inspired by the concept🥰

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