See You Soon - Epilogue

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Chloe's POV

I still think of Ashton when I'm alone. He hurt me in a way words can't describe. Physically and mentally. The scar on my belly will always remind me of the time in the park during school. Nothing and no one can make me forget it, nor will I ever relive it.

My life will never be the same.


[3 Months Later]

Luke's POV

I would've known it was coming sooner or later. Today marks the 3 month if Chloe's death. It's a shame she took her own life, and I wasn't there to save her. I beat myself up over it

Ashton left the state and ended up moving to the UK. I live alone in my small bruised up apartment. I guess it works.

It's hard not having Chloe alround to cheer me up anymore. I get depressed all the time and thrive to cut, burn myself, even killing myself, just anything to end this unending pain.

That's what I'll do. Chloe won't have to wait for me any longer.

See you soon, Chloe.


Super short epilogue, but hey ily! Thanks for sticking with me through these 15 chapters of agonising pain and feels. I appreciate it much. No secondI'm bUt hEy Im gOIng tO mAke A NEw BooK sO kEeP A looK OuT fOr It.


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