Ch 2 - Can That Someone be You?

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Chloe's POV

Luke's family and mine sit down at the dinner table, Luke sitting next to me, and his brother, Jack to my left.

"Thanks for dinner, Mrs. Parker." Luke says sweetly, in reality he hates my mom.

Ever since 3rd grade, he's hate her. She was his teacher back then, and she was strict but got the job done.

"Anytime dear. Chloe, will you go upstairs and show Luke's family where they'll be staying tonight?" She asks me nicely, too bad she's not like this always, she acts fake to impress.

"Sure." I return, showing a taint small smile, "This way." I want to crawl out of my own skin, I hate being formal, it's unnatural for me.

They follow me up the stairs, turning left and then taking a right to the 3 open guest rooms.

One for his parents, one for his brothers Jack and Ben, and one for Luke. Not like he'll even use it, he'll be with me all night talking and being ourselves.

"Thank you." Liz smiles, she's sweet, really she is.


I sit on Luke's lap, my back pressed against his chest.

"I'm sorry." I blurt out, feeling the need to apologize.

"For what?"

"I don't know, I just feel sorry for some reason. I mean I got you into this mess ever since 1st grade Luke. I caused you to become a nerd, and everyone only uses you for your brains." I wipe a tear, getting off his lap sitting criss crossed in front of him now.

"Don't he sorry, Chloe, you're the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I would never regret lifting up your dress that one day in 1st grade." He laughs.


I sit in the blue plastic chair in Mrs. Tucker's classroom.

"Hey little mama." This small blonde headed boy winks at me.

"Ew!! COOTIES!" I scream, getting up from my chair running to the other side of the room.

"I'M SORRY!" he yells, the class going silent. He runs over to me a few minutes later.

"Ew, you have cooties!" I point and scream lightly.

He frowns, sticking out is bottom lip. He walks over to me and lift up my dress exposing my Disney Princess Cinderella undies.

"Princesses?" He laughs, pointing.

*flashback over*

"I remember that, I threw those panties away when I got home." I chuckle.

"Yeah, to be honest they were hot though." He smiles.

"We were 7 Luke, really!"I laugh laying back on the bed.

"I bet they look hotter now." He smiles, being cocky on purpose.

I feel his body slide onto mine, I tense up.

"L-Luke, what see you doing." I look up him, he straddles me.

"Just chillin, on top of my favorite girl." He smiles.

"Oh, yeah haha."I chuckle, trying to hide my blushing.

"I can stop if you want me to." He exclaims, becoming nervous.

"No, it's fine." I smile, I feel something hard against my thigh.

"Luke, somethings wrong." I look at his blue eyes that look into mine.

He breaks the eye contact noticing his hard on.

"Fuck, I'll just go. I'm sorry." He gets up off of me, scurrying away from the bed leaving me confused. He had a boner while hanging out with me.

Correction: on top of you.

He was turned on, so was I, I don't blame him.


It's fun ally Saturday and everything between my and Luke is awkward.

"Hey, Luke, I just wanted to tell you it's okay to talk to me. Just because I turned you on doesn't mean you can't talk to me!" I laugh, jumping on top of his sleeping body in the guest bed.

He groans loudly.

"Get up!" I yell, knowing we're home alone.

"I don't wanna." He groans, rubbing his eyes.

"Get up, or.... I'll spit on you." I smirk, moving the blanket from his face.

"Oh god jo, you haven't brushed your teeth yet!" He sits up, causing me to get tossed onto the floor.

He laughs hysterically, "Oh my god! You should've seen your face!" He laugh harder.


"Ouch, that's so hurtful." He grabs his phone, clicking the messaging app.

"Hey, Stacy just invited me to a party and said I could invite anyone. Wanna go?" He says, my face lighting up to the word 'party.'

"Totally! What time?"

"8 to whenever." He smiles unplugging his phone from the charger throwing the covers off his body exposing his body in only boxers.

I can't help just just... stare.

"Chloe. Stop looking, you know how I feel."

"I don't get why you think you're fat. You clearly aren't. I am."

"Not even, you gorgeous and someone will eventually see that, I know they will."

Can that someone be you?



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