Journey and bothside Family Fate and OFA

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We now see our protagonist tranning in breathing techniques but she always feel something wrong she used the first and easiest one aka water breathing but she felt wrong using it then the next and the one after that and yet she felt none of the breathing was suitable that was until she was told by the mysterious man that there was one breathing that could work for her and it was called




Moon Breathing

She tried it she felt it was right yet it was wrong but she knew moon breathing was right but what how is yet still wrong then she tried experiment with it and she finally found what was missing she needs to make it her own just not like a breathing but also her own version so she started trying make her own form after a couple of hours she made her first form and she named it "Crescent Slash" and now she knew it was right for cuz it was her own breathing her own moon breathing, she kept practice and making it while also killing demons that tried attacking or interfere until there was 18 form of the breath and they 2 were modified version of the orginal and they are the same form they are from normal slash to multiple and she took time to perfect them until she was finally ready for the final selection (keep in mind she is still 10) and she trained for 5 months

Timeskip to when it was time for final selection

She was ready for final selection some of them she hasn't seen before there was some interesting 1 was a girl with a side pony tail and was smilling like it was forced or something, another was a yellow haired boy that she knew wasn't dyed cuz there probably wasn't any hair dye and he seemed scared yet she could feel his power but it wasn't normal like he needs to be in a type of state, next was another boy but he was wearing a boar head but her instinct said that boar head was more then just for show and lastly was a boy with a weird scar on his head he had a white fox mask, after that 2 twins came and spoke of the final selection and lets just say as soon she entered she meet a horde of demon and well it kinda didn't end well for those demons cuz she used Crecsent Slash faster then they could react

Izuki/Akame: This is to be final selection and you could yet its easy all demons are weak meh who am i to blame i used my breathing against multiple demons before and some were more stronger then these

For the first night she killed demons left and right that she found she found one of the 4 interesting people it was the girl she noticed she used flower breathing she took noticed of it and she wondered if she could combine it with her breathing forms she decided to test it and it took many nights

The Second night she had manage to combine her tenth form with the flower breathing form and when she found another hord, those demons saw her attack in the flower form but she was faster and striked like shadow plum but while doing the lotus form she continued slash until the demons was fading into dust and disappeared

The Third night she found the blonde guy unconscious and about to be eaten but he suddenly attacked his eyes was close and then she heard Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash and in a blink of an eye he killed the demons and she decided to combine another wich took all the way to the next night

The Fourth night she had combined her twelfth form and thunder breathing first form she went for a testing and ran into a demon and in a blinding speed she cutted of the demons hand and when the demon tried regenerate but found it useless and decayed more instead of regenerating she found it useful against better regenerating demons

The Fifth night she found the weird boar guy and put both his swords down and said beast breathing seventh form: Spatial Awareness where she after saw him sprint off in a direction and discover he was killing demons, she almost got ambushed while watching (keyword: almost) she manage to dodge and use the first form Crecsent Slash she decided to go and combine Spatial Awareness along with a breathing form

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