Starting to fall?

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The sun rises again, here I am being overly excited to go to Uni  for the very first time, I will see her again right? what if I don't have an encounter with her again?! DAMN TZUYU YOU ARE JUST TOO INTO HER, FOCUS ON YOURSELF AND THE FUTURE IN FRONT OF YOU.                            .



" And that's it for today's class, semesters are a month away now better start preparing. Class is dismissed." The lecture ended I was walking or basically running towards the front gate to find Momo unnie, or... Ms Minatozaki you can say. 

"How was the class Momo unnie?!"

"Great tzu, you sound quite ecstatic today. What's the deal huh?"

"nah-nah nothing just happyy.... weather is good today." I tried to dust off the topic but here we go... here comes  HER.

She was looking at my direction, with a very flirty face and intention. dang what are you doing to my heart, do you realise what damage you are causing...

We were walking besides each other, not gonna lie but I stole quite a many glances at you.

"So unnie how are preparation for the final semester's going?" 

"Wait, what is the first subject?"

"Isn't it history, dont you remember?"

"Oh dang it, I might have to start studying today... What about you, how many topics covered yet?"

"Like 6 out of the 12."

And we continued to share some words, but I wasn't paying attention to the words but the smile on the face of the speaker... 

We reached the subways and parted our ways again, WHY DID YOU WINK AT ME... I  MIGHT DIE ANY MOMENT NOW.  

I now realise that, I never asked you for your contact info or your SNS... Never mind I will find a way. 

As I began with my revisions, thoughts of you appeared in my head again when I look over at the picture of the squirrel.. You resemble a SQUIRREL.

MS Minatozaki Sana I think I  am starting to fall for you...


Unrequited Forever. A Satzu Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now