Day 20: (wow.)

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It's been 10 days since I've written.

Sorry for not keeping up with my life.

A lot had happened, actually.

The main reason I didn't write?


He has completed my life.

He has helped me up.

He says he will support me through everything & anything.

I trust him, he trusts me.

I'm glad I met him.

He's nice, he respects me, and he's loyal.

I love him.

And he loves me.


Okay for the next two or three weeks I won't be able to update EVERY day so it'll be like maybe 3 updates per week?? Idk yet. I'll be super busy this month & probably the month of May so sorry in advance for slow updates!!

Seeking Revenge (sequel to Lost Letters)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora