(Picture credit goes to google)

After viewing the right side I see on the left side and one huge door is present. I open the knob and a huge bathroom fully automatic appears.
Like the room bathroom is also of dark theme devoid of any colour.

Like the room bathroom is also of dark theme devoid of any colour

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(Picture credit goes to google)

Attached with bathroom was on walking closet on the right which now has some of my stuff also. Like everything no doubt it also has dark theme.
Dressing area is also present in wardrobe and all my makeup accessories and jewellery was kept at the dressing table placed in middle.

Dressing area is also present in wardrobe  and all my makeup accessories and jewellery was kept at the dressing table placed in middle

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(Picture credit goes to google)

After changing place of some of my stuff I went outside to see if Vansh has came or not. I want to clear all miss understanding between us now only if possible. He still doesn't came and I start to look around the room. Mainly this room has photos of Ragini, Vansh and Ragini's couple pic together, and of Rohan. I smile sadly as I know that I can never have place in this frames wall. I am watching each and every picture of Rohan carefully. He has all the features of Ragini except his lips, which is pink like his father.

"Done with your examination". I am silently seeing the frame when suddenly Vansh roared from behind and I flinched at my place. I slowly turn around and meet with the dark red eyes of him which is erupting with anger. He takes slow steps towards me and I move backwards until the wall hits me and I stop sticking to it. Vansh is still taking predatory steps towards me while looking directly in my eyes. My fear increases and I decide to speak but I feel like my voice got stuck in my throat. I somehow gather myself and speak in a shaky and trembling voice.

"Va...Vansh I know it ha..happens so quickly th..that you are not ready for. Bu..but believe me I..I have no bad intentions be..behind it.I..I want to cl..ear all missunder......" before I can complete my sentence Vansh hold me from my arms and his grip on ams even get tight and he shakes me with full force.

"DON'T YOU DARE TO SAY YOUR DOING AS A MISSUNDERSTANDING. You know what I was a fool back then who has believed on you over my love but after seeing that incident with my eyes I can never believe you. Today because of my son Rohan you marry me, so that my son will get her mother. But do you even remember that this is the child whom you tried to kill when he is in her mother's womb just to get me. I fell disgusting thinking on myself for the day I make you my friend.". He said with blood shoot eyes and I continuously shake my head in no.

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