RWBY React "SCP-Foundation Explained"

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3rd POV

Everyone is sitting on their chairs and chatting about what are they going to watch until The Alter announcement.

The Alter: Alright everyone I see you bringing some food and drinks in case you hungry and thirsty so now let's start with the "SCP-Foundation", does anyone know what is it?

Fall: I do know what it is.

The Alter: You should tell everyone what it is.

Fall: SCP-Foundation is a secret Organization in the universe or multiverse after they co-operate with the world government to work together to contain SCP-Anomalies, Objects, Humanoids, and Entities to hide it from Humanity and the outside world, they don't want that to happen.

Everyone is silent but most of them of what is the SCP-Foundation except Jalet, Team CROW, Hanako, Satsuki, Phos, Y/N, and Lewton already know what it is.

Pyrrha: So this "Foundation" is an Organization of the secret society unlike the other society in the universe.

Y/N: Yes, especially one of the most top Group of Interests or G.O.I. in SCP-Dimension/Multiverse and rivalry of Serpent's Hand the Resistance Group, Chaos Insurgency the Rebellion/Terrorist, and also the rival of The Foundation is Global Occult Coalition or G.O.C. the Protector of Humanity and The Destroyer of Anomalies, Objects, Humanoids, and Entities or Para-Threats in Threat Entities or T.E. to make sure it doesn't go to unleashed catastrophe in War but you do not want to go there...

Pyrrha: I see.

Everyone is silent from what Y/N said is true until Blake says something.

Blake: So, does that mean...

Y/N: Well sorry about that, the G.O.C. think you and Faunus, kemonomimi, Demi-Humans, and the other Human-Animal Hybrids Race are the Threat Entities, Owen already knows that.

The Alter: Alright that's enough, is everyone ready to watch?

Everyone: Yes.

The Alter: Alright, enjoy watching and it's a half-long watch.

The footage is already starting while everyone watching.

Pyrrha: Oh, So that's what he talks about Co-Operate with The Foundation.

Y/N: Indeed.

Fall:...Foundation is nothing but idiots they are for lying, manipulating, and using victims D-Class as lab rats experiment and so three Organization are still idiots but for me, my only favorite is SCP-049 known as The Plague Doctor, but you'll wait to see in the future.

Ren: This is unlike the Kingdom of Atlas which doesn't have a type of technology and strong organization than the others.

Satsuki: That's correct, they had all the technology to contain the anomalies, entities, objects, and humanoids in this Dimensional or Multiverse.

*Continue watching the SCP-Explained while the narrator talks about Each Class*

Ruby: Safe Class is a harmless anomaly and not so dangerous?

Phos: Yes but not all of it, little most are still dangerous and I don't why The Foundation should've changed to either Euclid, Keter, or other dangerous classes than Euclid and Keter.

Ruby:...Okay, I understand.

Blake: The Euclid Class is more dangerous and a little complex than Safe Class?

Satsuki: Correct, but you don't want to happen to leave it if the Euclid SCPs harm people.

Blake:...I'll remember that of Euclid...

Phos: Just relax, SCP-MTFs will keep an eye on the people if they close to an anomaly they'll give them a warning or imprison you with an amnestic syringe and pills to cause erase memories and forget what they were doing.

Blake I understand.

*RWBY, JNPR, CVFY, and most others getting an understanding of each Class on Anomaly, Object, Humanoid, and Entity and other Class of A-E Class in the Foundation where employees working on while loyal to them*

Coco:...Jeez, now I understand what the Foundation's Purpose is and why are they here for.

Velvet: I agreed, poor people are still in the prison of these D-Class, but I don't care what kind of The Foundation is this, it's so wrong.

Fall: See there you go, this is why you don't want to work there. It's hell and none pay attention to the Containment breach of the SCPs and so the Terrorist is Chaos-Insurgency and Rebels are The Serpent's Hand.

*The Footage End of SCP-Explained*

The Alter: So...what did you think of the SCP-Explained?

Jaune: I may not listen to what this narrator is about but I do understand why these foundations are here to lock up this Anomaly from them without accidentally releasing it while they trying to escape to the outside.

Pyrrha: I'm really impressed you do understand why they are here but you still need to do more but still impressed.

Colin: Wow Jaune, you get used to learning about SCP-Dimensionals.

Jaune: Y-Yeah, thanks.

Ren: These foundations are here to contain these anomalies, objects, people, and so much more and not care for Humanity.

The Alter: That might be true but these were half of it actually.

Yang: Huh, I was about it say these groups are kept themselves from others and lies of nothing happened as secret, good one Alter.

The Alter slowly nodded.

Jai: I do want to agree with you Yang and so Raven too, but the real reason they are only here to lock these dangerous and some are still harmless anomalies and something darker than Dangerous SCPs that could destroy the universe, that's why they need to lock up without destroying their homes.

Shing: They don't want that to happen.

Yang looks back after watching  SCP-Explained that what the narrator says is true, they are here to protect humanity than lie to others.

Yang: Alright, you do have a point...but still.

Raven: I know Raven.

The Alter: Alright, here comes the next reaction you would like to see.

Ruby: Oooh what are we watching next?!

The Alter: The Next Reaction is CALL OF DUTY: Black Ops - Cold War (CODVerse).

Ruby: Is there gonna have-

Y/N/Lewton/The Alter: Yes, they have guns and most melee weapons. 😑

Ruby: Yes!!!

The Alter: Alright, let's start Nowhere Left to Run (Mission 1)

Next Reaction:

COD: BO - Cold War = Nowhere Left to Run (Campaign)

Reaction List:
-SCPs Videos
-Later COD Series, BF Series, Halo Series, etc.
-Make Things Right (By CristianCervantes632) (For later)
-Other Reaction List for later.

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