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1st of September, 1991

(Love of My Life//Queen)

"You can't call him Uncle Moony at school though, Hazzah. He doesn't want to lose his street cred in front of the students," Sirius chuckled, ruffling Harry's hair.

The mini, female Sirius in front of them turned with a look. "Does this mean he'll go along with pretending not to be my dad?" Marly asked hopefully.

Peter snorted. "Course not. Because he knows you don't want people to know he's your dad. So obviously he's going to embarrass you as much as possible."

"Do we get to call you Uncle Wormy in Herbology instead of Professor?" Harry chuckled. Peter stuck his nose in the air and picked up his pace. "Not in front of witnesses."

"Love you Uncle Wormy!" Marly and Harry called after him as he hurried ahead.

James rolled his eyes and nudged Marly and Harry's shoulders. "Stop torturing your uncles and get a move on. What are you gonna do if you lose the train, huh?" he challenged the two.

Marly zipped her lips and shot Harry a sly smirk. "Eat my dust, Potter," she sniggered, pushing her trolley and running for the magic barrier.

James joined Harry's side as she disappeared through the entrance to Platform 9 3/4, clutching his trolley with him. "You ready?" he grinned. Harry nodded, staring at the brick wall in front of him with awe.

Together, the Potter boys pushed his heavy trolley, one second going straight for the wall, the next, entering the train platform next to the scarlet steam engine known as; The Hogwarts Express.

Going along together, James recognised many faces.

He nodded politely as he saw Narcissa Malfoy kissing her boy's head before ushering him on board. He smiled warmly when he spotted Molly and Arthur Weasley surrounded by their children, all fussing about in perfect chaos.

His grin widened as he spotted Mary and Alice, both sending their boys off together, stopping to wave at James while their husbands were locked in a heartfelt discussion behind them.

He kept looking around, seeing many old school and Order friends alike, when he suddenly felt an absence beside him.

He looked to his right to see Harry wasn't there. Looking back a bit, he saw his son kneeling down and trying to tie his already tied shoelaces.

He looked up and saw Sirius had stopped beside him, letting Marly run off on her own to meet with Neville and Seamus. With a nod, Sirius took the trolley for James as he backtracked and headed for his son.

Kneeling in front of him, James took over tying Harry's laces for him, even though they didn't need doing.

"What if I'm not a Gryffindor?" Harry whispered quietly. "Sirius said he'd disown me as a Godson if I wasn't," he said more urgently.

James scoffed and knew he needed to knock some sense into Sirius as soon as the kids were off.

"Harry James Potter, no one cares what house you end up in. Sirius' own brother was a Slytherin and he loves him more than life itself. It doesn't matter what house you're in, because the Hat will put you exactly where you need to be."

James' first day of school had gone very similarly, and his father had said he probably wouldn't disown him if he became a badger. But he did stutter when James had voiced the concern of becoming a snake.

But there was a voice in the back of his head telling him he had to have a gentler touch to Harry right now.

Well, two voices.

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