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19th of February, Monday, 1981

(Sinking Ship//Wild Child)

"Of course, those two wouldn't try and run from a fight. They were too brave for that. Pure Gryffindor hearts. They tried to fight off the five remaining Death Eaters and died heroically. Trying to protect a friend and working hard for the cause."

Andrea stayed completely still as Dumbledore talked about the loss of the Prewett twins to the rest of the Order. There was no emotion on her face as she stared straight ahead at the model castle over the mantle opposite her.

They were crammed into the house of Frank Longbottom's mother, trying to keep their meeting of the week.

But she couldn't bare to feel. She couldn't sit here and cry with all of these people. She couldn't show her guilt while Frankie managed to sit there and keep his emotions in check.

So she would too.

She could cry later.

"I wish I had more good news for you all. With losing Dearborn last week, I know these are very hard times for us all. One good thing is that Fabian and Gideon were very successful in their mission. Alastor, Shacklebolt, Diggle, Fenwick, Doge and myself went back there after the attack and there were dozens of Death Eaters still inside the building, gathered in the basement underneath."

Andrea could feel his eyes shift to her and she turned slightly, meeting his gaze. "What I'm saying is, they did not die in vain."

She swallowed the lump building in her throat, diverting her gaze just as quickly as she had given it.

"Alastor will give you all your new missions for the next couple of weeks, and that is all for now. Let's take a moment. For those fallen, for those still fighting, for those we try to protect..."

He trailed off, lowering his head and holding his wand up, the tip lighting up. The rest of the table rose to stand, lifting their wands as well, a silence of mourning falling over the group.

"We are with you, in life and after," the room echoed together.

Andrea opened her eyes as she heard a quiet sniffle beside her. She wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders. The room emptied and she pulled him aside for a quiet word. "It's alright, Pete. They were already gone when we got there. There was nothing more you guys could've done."

She didn't include herself in the last sentiment, because she didn't believe she couldn't have stopped it.

Peter set his jaw, grinding his teeth together. "But I still feel like there was more I could've done."

She gave him a supportive smile. "I know. But at least they're together. Just as they were every day since they were born. I heard Fabian say on many occasions he was gonna pull Gideon into the grave with him."

"I guess there's that. One of them doesn't have to live on without the other." He turned to her with serious eyes. "Just like I don't think I could ever live on without you."

Andrea pulled him into a tight hug. "You won't have to. I'm gonna live until I'm well older than Dumbledore."

Peter chuckled quietly, hugging her back. "Good."

"Every Marauder is gonna become at least a hundred," she winked, pulling out of the hug. Peter looked away at that, biting his lip. Seeing as he still seemed worried, Andrea held onto his shoulders.

"And here's something that might cheer you up." She turned him towards the open door where they could see Kingsley and Dorcas in the hallway, hugging.

"They've made up? Properly?"

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