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𝚂𝚊'𝙽𝚒𝚢𝚊𝚑 𝙿𝙾𝚅: 𝙳𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚒𝚝,𝙼𝚒❦

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𝚂𝚊'𝙽𝚒𝚢𝚊𝚑 𝙿𝙾𝚅:

"Hey guys, so today we finna prank everybody dats inna house cause why not." We decided to make a YouTube channel cause why not.

"So basically we gon act like my lil sister Tiana got jumped. Soo, we already have a camera in da house thanks ta essence bad ass. Imma do ha makeup, we also have fake blood and we ripped ha clothes."

"I'm scared asf." Tiana said.

"Girl you scared?? All you gotta do is act. I gon get my ass beat fa not helping."I said while doing her makeup.

"Right, Drew Fs gon be on ha ass." Essence co-signed through da phone.

It's only been two days since esse got in trouble so she still on punishment and had ta stay inna house.

"Alr yall we gon see y'all when we done." I said to da camera before turning it off.


Essence ran out da house in a cropped tank top and sum PSD'S. She ran to the car helping me get Tiana out.

Me and esse ran into da house while carrying Tiana. She was screaming and crying trying to get their attention. While me and esse argued.

"You knew ha, ha whole life you supposed ta fight with and fa ha."Esse yelled at me.

"Ok, but dats still yo sista too. She should've neva started it anyways."I yelled back.

"Mane fuck going on in here?" One of Drew homeboys odell asked.

"Damn, DREW, AND DAMIEN COME LOOK AT DIS SHIT." Odell yelled. Ole snitch ass.

"Mane, what?" Was da first thing Drew said when he walked into da room.

"What da fuck happen ta ha?" Damien yelled running ova ta Tiana.

"Ok, so we was at da store and-" I started to say but esse cut me off.

"And Tiana bumped into dis nigga, and ain't say sorry. So ole dude girlfriend felt sum time of way and started talkin out da side of ha neck ta Tiana. So Tiana matched ole girl energy next thing you know, Dey fightin inna middle of Walmart. So ole girl started losing so ha nigga jumped in. But instead of saniyah helping, she was holding da phone and telling dem ta stop." Esse explained while everybody was helping Tiana who stopped scream but was still crying.

"So you yet yo lil sister get jumped by a btc and ha nigga?" Odell asked me.

"I mean she started it all she had ta do was-" before I could finish drew pushed my ass down imma floor. Which caused esse ta start cracking up.

"Na I'll be wrong if I just start beating yo ass right?" Drew asked, in all seriousness I wanted ta say yea just ta see what happened.

"Essence shut yo punk ass up." Killa said while mugging my lil sista.

"You was just begging me ta talk to you da other day tho." Esse said while rollin ha eyes. I seen Drew eyes twitch a couple times before he started talking again.

"Where da fuck des niggas at bruh?"

"Da Walmart up da street." I said, still Layin onna floor.

"You gon get yo ass whooped when we get back, you comin too so they can jump yo ass before we jump in." Damien said while muggin me.

Everybody put their shoes on ta go. But my mama and Tiana stayed. Me and esse was thinking about telling dem it's a prank but esse wanted ta go ta the store fa a min for sum freedom.

We walked into the store and they just started yelled and shii. Talkin bout sum "aye where dem btcs at?",, "where Dey at so I can shoot 'em." Like bruh. I pulled da camera outta my purse before yellin it's a prank cause a few people ta look at me.

They was pissed off but oh well. "Mane let's go, so I can fuck yo ass up." My pops said trying to drag me out da store.

"Wait where essence go?" Odell nosy ass asked.

"Bruh ha sneaky ass always doin sum, knowing damn well she ain't supposed ta be here." My daddy said while lookin fa ha.

𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙿𝙾𝚅:

Essence walked down the snack aisle at Walmart lookin fa sum of da favorite snacks. She just knew she was gon get in trouble but she ain't care as long as she had snacks. She found what she was looking for and walked to self checkout.

She finished scanning her stuff and started bagging it. "Lemme help you lil mama's." She heard a deep familiar voice behind her. Her heart dropped to her ass, she shook her head no before quickly bagging her things, and forgetting to scan a few items.

When she was finally finished she came face to face with Kaiser. Kaiser ain't plan to see her today. He just came here for sum stuff for him and kassy's stay. He was gon pop up on esse the next day but this was better.

"Thought I wasn't gon find you huh?" Kaiser asked.

"Kassy miss you, we gon stop by for dining aight ma?" Kaiser asked and got a head nod in return.

Essence had so many questions right now but she knew he had his ways. She had a bad feeling about this but she missed lil kassy. And deep down inside she missed Kaiser too.

Kinda short but 🤷🏽‍♀️.

What y'all think finna happen @ dis dinner??

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