This was not how things had gone in her head when she had imagined it.

          "What the hell?"

          Abby looked up, her eyes meeting a piercing green gaze that she found startling familiar. After several moments recognition struck.

          "It's you," Abby managed breathlessly. It was the young man from the hotel, the one who had been playing the piano with such captivating passion. The one who had been so rude to her in the elevator. What in the world was he doing here of all places?

          "Why are you trying to climb into my room?" He asked with a lilting accent that made Abby think 'European' though she couldn't have pinpointed a specific location. At least not just then seeing as she was too busy trying not to break her neck. The young man hovering in the window appeared impatient for an answer, but made no immediate effort to help her inside which only proved to annoy Abby a great deal.

          "Is this your room? I had no idea. I thought it was the library," she huffed. "Could you maybe help? Please?"

          He stared pointedly at her for a moment before he sighed. With a roll his eyes he reached down to offer his assistance. He grabbed hold of her upper arms and with a surprising amount of strength began to pull her up.

          "Are you going to do anything, or just hang there like a lumpy sack of potatoes?" He grunted irritably. After a few moments, and their combined efforts, Abby crashed gracelessly into the room. Glancing around, Abby noted a couch and some shelves lined with books and other knickknacks, an electric keyboard and a bed that looked as though it never got slept in. Not bad she thought as she pushed herself up off the floor.

          Abby had barely reached her feet when the young man grabbed her by the arm and began to drag her towards the bedroom door.

          "W-what are you doing?" Abby demanded, trying to pull free of his hold. He held fast, his fingers tightening the more she struggled. What the hell was his problem?

          "I should be asking you that question," he replied hotly. "Are you a spy? Do you work for the newspaper? A thief maybe? What exactly did you intend to steal that you couldn't swipe off people back at the hotel?"

          "You got this all wrong! I'm not-"

          "Save it for the police," he interrupted as he jerked the bedroom door open and shoved Abby out into the hallway ahead of him. "Do you have any idea what sort of trouble you're in? Do you have any idea whose home this is?"

          "If you would stop for just a second and let me explain!" Abby shot back angrily, allowing her frustration to get the better of her. What were the odds, really, that she'd run into him again and here of all places? As he continued to drag her along without so much as a backwards glance, Abby tried to calm herself before she did something rash.

          It didn't help that he insisted on talking.

          "If you are a spy, you're a bloody awful one," he continued, ignoring her protests as he pulled he towards some stairs at the far end of the hall. "Not that you make a much better thief. Really. Wouldn't it make more sense to break in through a side door or something? You made such a ruckus I thought a giant bird had flown into the side of the house."

          A giant bird?

          Abby didn't realize what she was doing until she felt her fist glance his jaw. He released her with a yell of surprise and she stumbled away from him, catching herself on the banister.

          "You hit me!" He said incredulously. His hand rose to touch the faint bruise that was already beginning to blossom across his cheek.

          "You called me a giant bird!" Abby shouted back at him, "And stop being such a baby, I didn't even hit you that hard."

          "I can't believe-"

          "What in the world is going on out here?"

          Abby turned sharply and caught sight of Vanessa staring up at them from the bottom of the stares. Beside her stood a stately older woman who Abby suspected had been a great beauty in her youth and had been fortunate enough to carry that into her later years. Her clothing was immaculate and not a hair seemed out of place. When Abby finally met the older woman's gaze she expected to be met with annoyance or even disappointment. A feeling of surprise swept over Abby when she realized quite the opposite was true. If anything, the older woman looked amused by the situation.

          Vanessa, on the other hand, did not.

          "You must be Abigail," the older woman said at last, stepping forward and pausing at the base of the stairs. "I am Camilla Delafontaine. Vanessa was just filling me in on all the details of your ordeal. I am so sorry it took us so very long to find you."

         "I see you've already met my grandson, Sebastian. I was hoping to get a chance to speak with you first, but no matter, what's done is done."

          Abby glanced towards the young man. Sebastian, was it? He looked just as bewildered and confused as she felt which made her feel oddly satisfied. At least she wasn't the only one who had been left out of the loop so to speak.

          "If you'll come down, I'd like a chance to speak to you in private," Camilla added, offering Abby a warm smile. "You must have a lot of questions for me, I know I have many to ask you."

          "You know this girl?" Sebastian interrupted before Abby had a chance to reply.

          "She is our guest," Camilla replied with a frown. "You'll treat her with respect."

          Sebastian frowned and looked as though he wanted to say more but in the end, he simply smirked and offered a slight shake of his head. After several more seconds of awkward silence, Sebastian finally turned and strolled back in the direction of his room, but not before casting a cool stare towards Abby.

          "See you around," he murmured as he sauntered by.

          Abby didn't realize she'd been holding her breath until Camilla called out to her again.

          "Will you join me, Abigail?"

          "Huh? Yeah, I mean, yes, er, your highness," she replied clumsily, exhaling softly. She started down the stairs, casting one final look over her shoulder. Sebastian was nowhere to be seen, presumably having locked himself away in his room again. Abby sighed inwardly and turned back towards the bottom of the stairs where Vanessa and Camilla stood waiting for her.

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