Long time no see

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What is up you guysss! I am back almost a year later I apologise. As you can see I am still alive (not on the inside) . I will try to write more but i'm can't promise anything but hey, at least you have a new chapter ? ;) 

I hope you guys will enjoy it. I will admit that I had to read everything again because I have literally no memory of  writing any of this so we will see where this goes.

Y/N's POV: 

..."Y/N, this is my sister Nica. Nica this is Y/N."

I stood there looking at this woman who looked strangely familiar. Did I know her? 

"So you're the famous Y/N"

"I don't know about famous but yes that's me" I laughed awkwardly.

I walked towards the couch and sat down on the other side of Vic. "It's so nice to meet you Y/N, I've heard many things about you" Nica said shaking my hand. "Good things I hope" I chuckled. "Obviously if it's coming from this one" Nica said pointing at Vic. "Nica !" Victoria blushed pushing Nica's shoulder.

I laughed and stood up to get something to drink. Fletcher followed me and we were now both in the kitchen. I was petting him on the head while I was sitting on the counter sipping my glass of water. I needed to think a little about Nica, because I know her. I'm sure of that, but the question is from where ? 

Suddenly I felt something on my thigh. I look up and see Vic smiling at me with her hand on my thigh. 

"Where did you go just there, amore?" Victoria said smiling. "Nothing, I was just thinking. What are you doing here anyway ? Shouldn't you be with your sister?" I asked.  "She's catching up with the boys, it's been a long time since they last seen her. And..." "And?" I asked confused. "I wanted to have you for myself" "Oh is that so ?" I said smiling. "Mhmm" She hummed leaning in.

~Time skip because it's fun

We were now all getting ready to go out to get something to eat. We agreed on pizza and went to the nearest pizzeria. We sat down and everyone ordered. I was sitting on the couch in between Nica and Victoria for some reason, in front of me was Ethan in between Eva and Damiano, and Thomas was on the right side of the table on a chair in between Damiano and Nica.

We were all laughing and talking, I actually got to know Nica a little bit more and she was really nice and funny. A few moments later I decided to go to the bathroom and had to stood up and go over Victoria which she really enjoyed. 

I got out of the stall and went to the sink to wash my hands. I turned around and saw Nica locking the door. She came closer to me and I was now trapped in between the sink and her.

"What are you doing Nica?" I asked confused and annoyed

"Do you really not remember me Y/N?"

"What do you mean ?"

"Are you being serious ? I thought you were acting like you didn't know me for the sake of my sister so I played along but you really don't remember do you ?"

She did look familiar. But should I tell her that? Maybe it'll upset her, I mean who knows she could be on the verge of killing me for all I know.

"I'm sorry I guess I'm just having trouble remembering you."

"Veronica, from London ? Just a few months ago ?"

Ohhhh I remember her now. 

Omg, I remember her

"Omg Veronica"

"Long time no see" She smirked

Putain de merde...


Yet another a/n I know.

So how was this come back chapter ?

I have honestly no idea where I'm going with this because I don't remember what I had planned. I know it's a short chapter but oh well they're always short anyway.

If you have any suggestions for any future chapters don't hesitate so maybe I'll be able to keep this story going if anyone is still obsessed by Victoria (I know I am ;))

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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