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...The doors of the elevator finally opened and i heard a few gasps coming from the other side...

Y/N's POV:

I turned my head and saw 5 fans taking pictures of us and Damiano and Thomas laughing next to them. I turned to Victoria and she was red from embarrassment. I stepped out of the elevator and went immediately to the restaurant that was in the hotel leaving Victoria standing alone in front of the elevator.

I sat down next to Eva at the table and waited for the others to join. The pictures of me kissing a member of the Italian band that i was competing against might create some problems. I couldn't stop thinking about the pictures, i was so deep in my thought that i didn't even see the others sit down until Eva cleared her throat. I looked up and saw Damiano sitting in front of me. Eva was to my left next to Ethan. To my right i saw Victoria and next to her was Damiano. Thomas was in between Ethan and Damiano. I looked over to Victoria but she wasn't looking at me. I might have hurt her feelings by leaving her alone with fans taking pictures of us.

We all ordered and talked while eating our food. A couple hours later we decided to head back to our rooms since tomorrow is the finale. We all said goodnight and good luck for tomorrow in the hallway but before Victoria had the chance to go into her room with Damiano, i grabbed her arm and took her to mine.

"What the hell ?" she said while i closed the door.

"You're angry at me"

"Well you left me alone when you realized people were taking pictures of us"

"I just-"

"No it's fine. You don't wanna be seen with me."

"Not before the finale Vic. It could get us in trouble"

"Is that the only reason ?"

"Of course it is. Why wouldn't i want to be seen with the prettiest girl in the city"

"Compliments won't get you anywhere Y/L/N"

"Well that's where you're wrong" i said stepping closer to her

"Oh really?" she wrapped her arms around my neck and i put my hands on her waist.


"I think that me complimenting you can get me somewhere"

"Where ?"

"Oh i think you know where..."

~8:00 AM

I was woken up by the sound of my alarm. I rolled over and turned it off before i felt someone moving next to me.

"Good morning"

"Morning, how did you sleep ?"

"Great but i think i should head back to my room, the boys are gonna be waiting for me."

"Yeah you probably should" i said getting up

"I guess i'll see you at the finale"

"See you at the finale"

I kissed her one last time before she left the room. I had to get ready because today was the day. The day i had been waiting for. The day i had been training for. I showered and changed  into some comfy clothes before going to Eva's room. I waited until she was ready and we went  together to the place we went the most for the last week. Where Eurovision is taking place. It all felt so surreal. I don't know if i'm ready to be honest. But it didn't matter because i had to do it no matter what. For my country that is supporting me and my family and friends. But honestly i was doing it for myself. I just wanted to know if i was capable to do such a thing. Well apparently i am because i was now in my changing room waiting for my stylist who was making a few changes on the dress. 

I heard a knock on my door and opened the door. I just stood there staring at the person standing in front of me. She was gorgeous. Her outfit fit her so well. She was already ready for the contest. She only had her makeup left to do.

"Are you just gonna stand there or can i come in ?" She laughed

"Oh sorry. You just look... stunning"

"Why thank you. And you don't look ready at all"

"Yeah my stylist is making last minute changes"

"I can't wait to see how you'll look"

"Aren't you supposed to be doing your makeup Victoria ?"

"Yeah but i wanted to check on you"

"How nice of you"

"Shut up" she laughed and got up

"You'll do great don't worry Y/N"

"Same for you. Now go do your makeup you have a contest to win!"

My stylist came back a few minutes after Victoria left. I put the dress on and did my makeup  and hair. Once everyone was ready we all went to our assigned sits. Every countries had to sit in the middle of the sitting area in different little spot. The real public was on the sides and the hosts next to the stage. That's when i heard one of the hosts speak. It was about to start...


Hii, sorry i took so long to update but here you are !

The finale is about to start but who will win ? I'm asking that but i don't even know yet.

I guess we'll see in the next chapter ;)

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