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Y/N's POV:

~ 7:00 AM

I woke up at 7:00 AM to go eat breakfast. From what I've heard the breakfast in this hotel was amazing. I walked up to my suitcase that i haven't unpacked yet and picked an outfit. I chose a simple one, a green sweater with written 'NEW YORK' on it, light blue jeans and white Nike air forces. I went to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. After getting dressed i decided on light makeup, only mascara and eye-liner, because it was only for breakfast. I grabbed my keys and my phone,opened the door and i was out of the room. I went to the door of the room that was on the left of mine. I knocked on the door and waited for Eva to come out.Not even a minute later i heard the door open and Eva came out of it. In the corner of my eyes i could see another door open, it was the one across from mine. I saw the tattooed guy from yesterday come out of it and the blond girl following him. Victoria. It was the name that kept running through my head. She was wearing a black tank top and dark blue jeans. I apparently stared at her for too long because i heard Eva talking to Damiano that was now just in front of us. I looked away from Victoria and started listening to the conversation that was happening next to me. After chatting a little bit we all went to the elevator and pushed the button. Damiano was still talking to Eva about something they both had in common. I wasn't really listening, i was more focused on the girl standing next to me. I was about to start a conversation when i heard the door open. We all walked into the room where everyone was eating. We were apparently late because there wasn't any table available. We saw Thomas waving at Damiano and Victoria telling them to sit down with him at his and Ethan's table. "We should go somewhere else, there's no table left" i said to Eva. "No it's fine you can eat with us" Damiano proposed."I don't think the boys will mind". I looked over to Victoria who was already staring at me."I mean yeah as long as Y/N is okay with it" Eva answered. I nodded and we all walked to the table together. The breakfast was great, we were all getting to know each other,i would sometimes look over to Victoria but she was always staring at me. At the end of breakfast we all went back to our rooms to start the day.

~9:30 AM

I left my hotel room and went with Eva to where the song contest will take place. We had to practice on stage to be sure that everything was correct. Everyone had a different time scheduled to practice and mine was 9:45 AM. After getting ready, i walked on stage and saw Eva watching me from the sitting area.  I positioned myself in front of the mic and waited for the music to start. My song was called 'Pauline' and was about a girl that was in school with me. (The real singer is Pomme, i chose this singer cause i love her songs and she sings in french).

'Ca fait depuis l'enfance que je connais Pauline

Je n'est jamais eu la chance d'être sa copine

Elle avait l'air plus grande,ses jambes étaient si fines

Il n'y avait dans sa bande que les plus jolies filles.'

I was still singing when i saw people coming in. I saw Damiano enter first, then Ethan, Thomas and finally Victoria. Once she saw me she smiled at me, she freaking smiled at me while i was singing. I was lucky that it was the end of the song, otherwise i probably would've start stuttering. I got off of stage and walked towards Eva that was handing me a water bottle. The band walked over to us while clapping. "Wow, that was great, you have a great voice" Damiano said. "Well thank you" i chuckled. "So what are u guys doing here?"  Eva asked while making eye contact with Ethan. What is she doing. Why is she looking at Ethan like that. "We need to practice too" Damiano said laughing. "Well the stage is all yours, can't wait to see how good you are" Eva said still staring at Ethan. The fuck is she doing. If that's flirting then she's really bad at it. The boys went backstage to get ready but Victoria stayed taking more steps towards me. If she took one more step our noses would be touching. I was looking into her deep blue eyes when she started talking. "You were great up there" "Why thank you, but don't you need to go backstage ?" "Trying to get rid of me already Y/N ? That's not very nice" she said while stepping back. "I never said i was nice" i said smiling. Eva cleared her throat, i turned around to look at her, then turned back to look at Victoria but she wasn't there anymore.

They performed their song 'Zitti e Buoni'. I didn't understand a word of it but it was a great song. I looked at Victoria the enter time, sometimes she'd look up at me and smirk when she noticed that i was only looking at her. They got off stage and Eva practically ran to Ethan. The three boys were with Eva so i walked over to Victoria.  "You were great up there" i complimented her. "Thank you" she smiled, she had a huge smile plastered on her face. We were interrupted by Thomas throwing a water bottle at Victoria. He laughed until Victoria got up and kicked him. It was so fun to watch. Unfortunately when i looked at the time it  was already 11:30 AM and i had plans for the day. I went to get Eva but she was walking away with Ethan. Did she really just leave me here. "They went to get lunch" Damiano said while taking a sip of his water". "We were supposed to eat together" "Well maybe you can eat with Victoria" i looked at him confused. "Thomas and i wanted to get lunch somewhere but Vic said no, so she's also eating alone" he winked and started to walk towards Thomas. They said goodbye to us and then left. Now it was just Victoria and i. "So i heard you were eating alone, wanna eat lunch with me ?" I asked. " What type of food are we talking about ?" "Pizza?" I answered "Fine by me. But it can't be better than the ones we have  in Italy. I'll have to take you to my favorite Pizza place" "Can't wait" i said smiling. I couldn't believe it. I was going to eat with Victoria for the first time, just the two of us.


Hey everyone, i hope you like the story so far. I don't really know where I'm going with it but I'll do my best 😅

I'll try to update as often as i can but i still have school so i probably won't be able update every day until the end of the school year which is pretty soon.

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