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..."Why aren't you dating this Victoria yet ?!" i heard my mom say...

Y/N's POV:

"Hi Mom how's it going ?"

"Don't 'Hi mom' me ! I asked you a question"  she said crossing her arms over a chest.

"Well, it's complicated"

"Is it really or are you just afraid of commitment"

Wow she really went there. How do i say to her that i don't know what i want without her judging my decisions ? "It's just Victoria and i haven't really talked about making it official yet" Was it good ? I feel she'd believe that. In reality i know what Victoria wants, i just don't know what to do yet.

"Well you better talk about it soon because she looks good for you"

"We will mom"

"Anyways congrats on winning the contest sis !" i heard Louis say

"Thank you ! Finally someone remembered !"  Louis and Anna laughed while my mom rolled her eyes.

"Now that you are back are you taking your dog because he's really annoying"

"He's not that annoying mom, where is he anyway ?"

"In the garden digging holes probably. Destroying this beautiful garden"

"Now you're just being dramatic" I got up from the couch and went outside. I called for my dog Fletcher and he went running towards me. I played with for a little while before going back inside to say goodbye to my mom and siblings. Fletcher and i got in the car and i drove back to my apartment.

~8:00 PM

After dinner, Eva and i decided to watch a few episodes of Criminal Minds. It was Eva's favorite tv show and one of mine. In the middle of the second episode i received a text. I looked at my phone and saw that it was Victoria.

Vic<3                                                            Ciao, what are you doing right now ? 

Just watching tv why ?

Vic <3
I was just wondering if i could call you

                  yeah sure let me just go to my room

We talked for about 3 hours before i started to get tired. After we said goodbye i went to bed and finished the episode of Criminal Minds on my TV. 

~7:46 AM

I was woken  up by Eva jumping on my bed.

"You better be jumping on my bed this early in the morning for a good reason because i'm about to kill you"

"Well good morning to you too. The reason i am jumping on your bed is because i had an idea."

"You woke me up because you had an idea ?"

"Yes" she nodded

"And you couldn't wait until i wake up ?"

"No i would've forgot what my idea was"

"And what is it ?"

"Let's go to Italy right now"

"What are you talking about ?" I asked her confused. She woke me up early in the morning just to ask me to go to Italy when we are going to Milan in a week.

"Let's go to Rome before Milan"


"Because Ethan wants to show me his place and proposed to do it after our week in Milan but they are gonna be busy and you too"

"Why don't you go alone then ?"

"Because you could surprise Victoria"

"What about Fletcher ?"

"Take him with you"

"To Italy ?"

"To Italy, yes"

"Alright fine"

"Yes !! I mean if you would've said no i would be  fucked because i already booked us a last minute flight"

"When are we leaving ?"

"Tomorrow at 11:00 AM"

I spent the whole day deciding on what i was taking with me to Italy. I picked out a few bikinis and some clothes. I packed Fletcher's stuff and put everything in the living room. I decide not to tell Victoria we were coming to surprise her. The only person who knew we were coming was Ethan.

After dinner we decided to get ready for bed because we'll have to leave the apartment really early. I got into bed with Fletcher at my feet. Shortly after, i fell asleep.

~6:30 AM

After we woke up  we took our time to eat and get ready to go the airport. The airport was 50 minutes away from so we still had time to get ready. We left the house an hour later and i arrived at the airport around 8:30 AM. We had a few hours before the plane took of so we walked around in the airport for a little while before heading to the plane.

The flight was quiet, there wasn't any  kids so it was great. We arrived at 1:00 PM and Ethan was already waiting for us. He agreed to drop me off at Victoria's and went with Eva back to his place. Eva kept Fletcher with her so wasn't worried about him getting in the way. I took a deep breathe and knocked on the door.

I heard some shuffling inside and footsteps approaching. I heard the door being unlocked and saw the door opening slowly.

"Y/N ?"


I decided on a dog since it was the most requested. I named him Fletcher because someone suggested it so i hope you like it ;)

We are finally in Italy ! Will Victoria be happy that we arrived to her place without a warning though ? 👀

Fever ~ Victoria de AngelisМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя