chapter 01

43 2 4

The flashlights couldn't dispel the thick darkness of the night .... In the midst of the gloomy darkness a young girl who looked like a 25-year-old walked in, constantly staring at the ground, not caring about the surroundings or anything

After walking a short distance, she entered a very narrow passage between two buildings, and after walking three or four feet there was a wall, and she waited for a moment, then suddenly climbed over a large trash can that might have belonged to the city council.  she ran towards it and, jumped over the wall in an instant and started walking calmly again as usual

While walking like this, she saw on the other side of the road, a man coming face to face with his hands in the pockets of his hoodie and wearing a hoodie that covered his whole face ...

After they stopped at a distance of about two meters from each other, the young girl said this....

Young girl : Give me the file first, and then I'll give you the money...

Young boy : But where is the money?  How can I trust you?  You will take the file from me and run away without paying me ...

young girl : Don't worry ...... we will give your money as a check ........ that check is in the pocket of my hoodie ........ you have trust me and give me the money, then I will check them for myself and you can get the thing you want from us!...

Young boy : I don't trust you...

Young girl : what the fuck ?

Young boy : Show me the money first

Young girl : Absolutely not. First I want to see if you have what we need?

Young boy : huh?But? Oky oky? I will show it to you?

The young man took out a bundle of paper tied from his pocket to his hoodie .... When he tried to lift it up and show it to the young girl, something unexpected happened ... A gunshot was heard all over the environment and the young man fell down making a painful noise ....

With a smirk, the girl leaned closer to the young man, took a gun out of her pocket, put her on her knees and leaned towards the young man and said....

Young girl : young boys like you know very little about us...

When she said this, she fired two more shots at the young man, ending the young man's life....

Another young girl came out of the dark lane there .... She addressed the girl who had been standing here with this young man so far

Another young girl : FINALLY...we can sleep well now...

She is the girl who shot the young man first from that darkness ... her name was Jes...

And the girl who has been talking to the young man so far is named Luan..

Luan : That's true .... I missed my sleep so badly because of this .... He went to give the file detailing our drug deal to the International Criminal Unit .... If that happened then we would be in big trouble....

Jes : But this is not over yet ..... we need to find out who leaked such information about our drug deal ... he is an officer attached to the korean police but he tried to take bribes from us..he doesn't know about us clearly....That's why he did something like that ....

Luan : That's right ... but now let's get out of here ... it's not a good idea to be here anymore .....

Jes : oky...I'll get my bike ... I parked it here ... you stay....

Luan : fast..

After a while, Jes's bike sped forward on the highway, causing fear of death even to those who were waiting....About forty minutes later, the bike crossed the by-roads and main roads and came to a stop in front of a security gate in a large mansion  in the middle of a large garden...  

The two young girls entered the huge mansion, which was opened with one horn, and were greeted by all the guards who could be said to be mafia  guards who were there.  The two cuddle with eachothers, put their hands on each other's shoulders and entered the mansion.....

As the two entered the mansion, they saw another young girl sitting on the sofa and using her phone...

Seeing that Jes and Luan had entered the mansion, the girl who was lying on the sofa raised her voice while touching her more expensive, luxury phone..... 

Jes : hey rolling ass.. where are the others?

Lily : ah...Did you guyz come? did everything go well?        

Luan : yh finally we finished the case of that stupid boy!

Jes : I hate traitors.

Lily : yh me too.

Luan : same here.

Jes : whers the others?

Lily : no one at home this time, all of them are hanging out together
After you guyz left Heilin finally came out from her room and gave a idea about Shopping date. there were so exited of that.

Luan : why didnt you make your self go with them?

Lily : nothing just ahm boring and the main fact was i hate shopping
Luan : guyz what should we do now? Oh hey why we dont do something special?

Jes : something special? Wht do you meant by that?

Lily : hey i have a idea!

Luan : what is it?

Jes : I guess your idea would be better than going to a children  park or robbing a candy store...

Lily : * making smirk at jes * You will be sorry for criticizing my comments baby...

Jes : *rolling her eyes at her and sticking out her tongue* yh yh letz see..

Luan : dear girlz can you postpone that stupid fight of yours?

Luan finally spoke after getting tired of watching their stupid childish fight..


Hey are you my besties...This is not my first mafia story but I think this is the best book I'll ever write .... so I just ask you to help me with this .... I would be very grateful to you if you could catch a glimpse of the star over there  Even if it is a small thing for you, I love the only vote that comes from you by mistake .....
And please comment your ideas....   

I have something special to say about this book and I will let you know about it later....Currently if I tell about this mafia gang there are 13 members in their team, and they are girls...
Luv u guyz...️stay happy and stay safe....


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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