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'Where the hell am I?' I think lying on a cold floor, staring up at a grey ceiling. Wait, what am I thinking? Mother is taking me to meet my father... meet? I know my father he's... Batman? Batman's not real. What is going on? It's like my head- no, my memories are split in two. Ok. Let's figure this out, let's start with my name, that should be easiest, I'm... K- Da- Ki-

"Damian?" I turn my head to face my...

"Yes mother?" comes out of my mouth before I can even finish my thought.

"We must leave, they will reach us soon and I need to get you to your father before they do."

"Yes mother," I reply, deciding to go along with her. I can't let her figure out anything is wrong, who knows what she'd do.

We make our way though Gotham (fricking Gotham?!) in silence, scaling the rooftops with agility I trained my whole life for, yet feels so wrong. I keep my face blank and stick close to my mother, not letting my whirling thoughts show. Ok, let's try this again. My name is Damian... Wayne? Like from the comics?! No this isn't a comic... but it was? Man this is confusing. I'm obviously still Damian, I have his memories of training with the league, training with Grandfather and training with... mother. Dang I- he? I do a lot of training. But how could I? I was sick, I barely had the energy to go on a walk. Aha! Those are memories from a different life! I have two peoples memories? Damians and Kits! How the hell- I mean- In this universe it's not particularly
weird I guess, but still! Nope! Let's not think about it, there's nothing I can do now.

"This is it." I stop along side my mother and look up at the giant mansion before me, struggling to keep my face blank. "This way."

A few minutes later we enter a giant cave and I have no idea how. That was like a maze. I look around the alcove we're behind for- is that a dinosaur? Ok, ignoring that where's- Ah! Batman and Red Robin, who I must... kill? No way, Tim Drake is awesome! And why would I kill him? To secure my place- Nope! I'm Batmans son, my place is already secure, especially if I don't try to murder any of his other kids!

"Wait here," mother whispers to me. I nod and stand back as she walks out. "Beloved," I hear her say before she's out of my hearing range and all I can hear is that they're talking, but not what they're talking about. "Damian!" I step out at her command and move to her side. "I must go, be good for your father." I nod and she's gone, leaving me with my father and... brother?

"Damian," I turn to face my father to see he has his cowl down and a soft look on his face. I have no idea what to do with this, in one life I was literally raised by assassins and in another I was to sick to get out much and also had major social anxiety. I keep my face blank. "It's nice to meet you," he starts awkwardly. "You'll be staying here." Yeah duh, is what I want to say, but I stay quiet. "This is your brother Tim," he finishes, gesturing to him.

"Hey," Drake says with a little wave as he slips his phone away. I give a nod, my face still blank. I wonder how long I can stay silent before they say something? "Dick's on his way," Drake says, turning to father.


"You think I text Jason?" Father doesn't reply to that, instead turning back to me.

"I'm going to change, then we can go upstairs and get something to eat." I give him a curt nod as he turns and walks out.

There's a shuffle and I turn to see Drake looking away awkwardly and hold back a smirk, this could be fun. I stare. He notices. He stares back. A few minutes later father walks in to Drake staring at me looking uncomfortable and me staring back blankly.

"Let's go," he says, making Drake jump a little. He didn't notice him? Whatever, I follow him up some stairs through the manor and to a dining room.

"Who is this?" someone asks and I barely hold back a flinch. How did he sneak up on me?

"This is Damian my... son, Damian, this is Alfred." I give Alfre- Pennyworth a nod, he smiles back before sending father a look I cannot decipher.

"Well, I shall get you both a snack, take a seat." And with that he leaves. I blink after him for a second before doing what he said. A few minutes of awkward silence later he returns with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and a drink for father. "Would you like a drink, master Damian?" Ah shit. What do I do now? I blink up at him blankly. "Some tea perhaps? Or a hot chocolate?" Tea sounds amazing, but is to hard to explain how I drink it without talking and hot chocolate is to sweet to have with cookies.

"Milk?" father suggests, and I perk up. Perfect! I nod.

"Of course." I grab a cookie as he leaves and nibble on its edge, it's pretty good.

Pennyworth has just placed a glass of milk in front of me when there's running footsteps coming towards us. I automatically flip back into a fighting stance, a knife in each of my hands probably scaring myself more then Pennyworth or father. I stiffen as a man with black hair and bright blue eyes whirls around the corner.

"B! You have a son?!" he yells. only to freeze when he sees me.

"It's ok Damian," father says softly, coming to kneel next to me. "This is Dick, your oldest brother." I can see said brother melt at that and I force myself to relax slipping my knives away and giving Grayson a nod.

"Hiya Dami, I'm Dick!" Dami? It's not a bad nickname, I guess. "Oh! You're eating Alfies cookies? They're the best aren't they?" I shrug, I haven't had enough cookies in either life to know that.

"Dick," Drake says as he walks into the room, now in casual clothes. "I told you not to run off."

"Sorry Tim, I was just really excited to meet Dami!"

"Dami?" Drake mouths to himself, while Grayson turns to me.

"So what do you like to do for fun?" I hold back a sigh. This is going to be a long night.


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