Spooky Scary Skeletons (Part Six of Face Your Fears)

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Angeria's POV:
Alright, let's do this! I can do it. If they others could, I can too! I stood in front of the monitor, waiting for my challenge.
"Alright Angeria, let's get started! Your task is simple. There are five model skeletons in this room with you. If you leave the room before fifteen minutes have passed, you'll be up for elimination. Good luck, and don't fuck it up." RuPaul said. The lights were dim, but they turned on. I could see the skeletons behind me. I walked over to one of them and inspected it closely.
"Good evening to you." I said, tipping my hat to the skeleton. Questions came to my mind. Where did Ru find these? How do all the bones stay together? Hmm... if only they could answer my questions. But they can't. That kinda sucks. It really sucks. It really fucking sucks a lot. Oh well. Wait a minute... Why would Ru have a bunch of skeletons just laying around? What the hell... Some things are best left unanswered, I guess.

Willow's POV:
Daya was holding me tightly, whispering sweet nothings into my ears.
"It was so scary..." I choked out, sobbing.
"It's okay, it's okay." Daya said, holding me close to her. My breath slowly started to become steady, as Daya continued to whisper. I felt safe in her arms, and soon enough, I was calm again. She didn't let go of me, and that was a good thing. I kept close to her, not wanting her to let go.

Angeria's POV:
Before my questions could be answered, the timer rang and my time was up. I tipped my hat to the skeletons again.
"Have a very pleasant evening," I said and waltzed out of the room. I bowed as the other girls clapped. Camden ran up to me, giving me a hug.
"I missed you too, Cam" I said, chuckling and hugging her back.

Bosco's POV:
Oh no, oh no, oh no! It was my turn now... This is gonna be awful...
"Alright Bosco, what are you afraid of?" Daya asked, as I gulped.
"I'm claustrophobic." I answered.
"What's Claustrophobic?" Jorgeous questioned.
"It means she's scared of Santa Claus." Willow answered.
"What?! No-" I started, before being cut off.
"Ho. Ho. Ho." Jorgeous said, trying to scare me as I pursed my lips.
"Stop it Jorgeous, you're scaring her!" Willow panicked.
This is gonna be fun...

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