Face Your Fears (S14 Top Seven)

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Bosco's POV:
We all entered the workroom this morning, each of us rejuvenated after the double save last week. We gathered around one of the tables and discuss what we thought would happen.
"So... What do you guys think is gonna happen this week?" Lady Camden started, looking around the room.
"I don't know, but I don't think it's gonna be good..." DeJa mumbled, seeming more alert. Then, the message from Ru appeared on the monitor, and we all went over to it. Nothing but static. Then, Ru came in with an evil smirk on her face.
"Hello hello hello!" RuPaul greeted cheerfully, walking down the steps. We all greeted Ru as cheerfully as we could.
"Ladies! In order to be the next drag superstar, you need to be brave. So, for today's maxi challenge..." Ru started, her smirk growing bigger.
"You all need to face your biggest fears!" RuPaul cackled. All of our jaws dropped to the ground.
"One by one, you'll go into a separate room where I'll explain your challenge. If you fail, you'll be up for elimination." RuPaul explained. I don't know about everyone else, but I was PETRIFIED. See, I am claustrophobic. It all started when my friends tried locking me in a crawl space until they decided I could come out. I ended up crying until I threw up, and only then did they let me out. This was gonna be awful.

Jorgeous's POV:
Fuck. This was gonna be a son of a bitch. Who likes facing their fears?! I know damn well I don't! My fear, you ask? Clowns. They are the bane of my existence! Why? Well, when I was younger, my parents hired a clown for my birthday, and that clown thought it'd be funny to try and scare everyone at the birthday party. Well, that was just what they did. I've been terrified of clowns ever since. This was gonna be a lot of fun... That was me being sarcastic, by the way.

DeJa's POV:
I swear to god, I'm filing a lawsuit. My fear, you may ask? That's easy. The dark. When I was little, my friends thought it'd be funny to lock me in a closet with the lights turned off. It actually was not funny, as you may have gathered. I've been petrified of the dark ever since then. I swear fucking to god, this has to be illegal somewhere.

Daya's POV:
I don't think the other girls have ever seen me scared before. They're gonna laugh their asses off, I can just feel it! See, my biggest fear are monsters. I wanted to watch a monster movie when I was little. BIG MISTAKE. I was up at the front and had to hide my face so I couldn't see or hear the movie. I couldn't sleep for six months after that. SIX MONTHS! Oh god, oh god, oh god. Ugh... I'm gonna get Ru back for this, just you wait! Just you fucking wait!

Willow's POV:
Oh no... I can't do this! I'm scared of ghosts. Ghosts PETRIFY me. I went to a haunted house when I was younger, and my friends trapped me inside it and left me there. It was awful! The place was crumbling and I may have been buried under the rubble if I didn't get out in time. Ugh! As if this competition wasn't stressful enough! I can't do this, I can't do this... This HAS to be illegal somewhere! Right?

Angeria's POV:
My fear? Well, that would be skeletons. Saw a scary movie about them once. Hated them ever since. But now would be as good a time as any to face my fear, so, maybe this is a blessing in disguise? Perhaps... I don't know, probably not. This will probably suck balls.

Lady Camden's POV:
No, no this can't be happening! She's bluffing, right?! She has to be bluffing! No, no, this isn't happening, someone PLEASE tell me this isn't happening! I have a fear of disappointing people. When I was a teenager, all my relationships ended because I was a failure. I couldn't do anything right! Whenever I made someone disappointed, they abandoned me as soon as they could. I can't do this... Not again!

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