Things that Go Bump in the Night (Part Four of Face Your Fears)

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Daya's POV:
As I shakily stepped into the room, I could feel my heart pounding. I sat on the floor, looking up at the monitor.
"Daya Betty! Let's get down to business! Your task is simple. A short monster movie will play on screen for fifteen minutes. If you fail to make it through the movie, you'll be up for elimination. Good luck, and don't fuck it up." RuPaul said, I wish I could share her excitement. The timer lit up and the movie started. My heart was pounding, but I forced my eyes to stay on the screen. It was a black and white horror film. Great. Just fucking great. I was scared, really scared. I don't think I've ever been scared in front of the other girls. Breathe, Daya, breathe. The monster appeared on screen and I shrieked. The monster started wreaking havoc on the town in the movie. I don't know how I would make it through this. The detail on the monster was impeccable. The shine on its slimy, wet skin, the shadows that darkened its already hard-to-see features, it was kind of entrancing. But still AWFUL!

DeJa's POV:
"So, how was it?" Jorgeous asked, her eyes glittering with confusion.
"Bad. I hated it." I replied, not wanting to talk about it. The memories of the darkness came back and flooded my mind. I looked up at the lights, trying to take my mind off of the dark.
"Poor Daya, she must be petrified right now." Jorgeous uttered. I nodded, knowing how Daya must've felt. Facing your fears isn't easy, but it's something you end up having to do. No matter how much you may hate it.

Daya's POV:
The last of the credits appeared on screen, and the timer ran out. I ran out as fast as I could, breathing heavily. The memories of the monster had been burnt into my retinas, and I saw it every time I closed my eyes. I didn't even notice the other girls cheering for me.
"Daya! You did it!" The other girls cheered, as I caught my breath. It was over, at last!

Willow's POV:
Oh jeez. Now it was my turn... Oh no, oh no...
"Willow! You're up! What are you afraid of?" Daya asked, as I sucked in a big breath.
"Ghosts." I replied. The others nodded and I turned to the door. I approached it slowly and placed my hand on the cold, metallic doorknob.
I don't know how I was gonna get through this.

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