0) Prologue

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Murder is the unique crime, the only one which we can never make a reparation to the victim.

- P.D James.

Footsteps hit against gravel as a man not much older than fifty years of age briskly walks through the narrow path of a forest. In his hands is a folder containing months of hard work. All in a folder, he is rushing to get to the police station, and the path through the forest is the quickest way. He has scrutinized the information inside over and over again, and there's no doubt that this revaluation will end this town's wretched agony.

But he can't shake the feeling of paranoia creeping into the corners of his psyche, making his heart rate fasten and his palms dampen.

The man's ears pick up a rustling sound to the right. In a moment of panic, the man halts his pace, and his eyes focus on the direction of the noise as he feels adrenaline rising, itching his fight or flight response to take over. Suddenly, a stray cat scurries from the bushes.

The old man let out a shaky breath before clenching the folder in his hands securely. "Oh, it's just a stray cat," he mumbled to himself, letting out a nervous laugh."Hello, little guy. What are you doing here?" He took a step toward the stray animal, but the cat's pupils dilated and hissed as his fur stood up in an alarmed manner. The elder furrowed his brow at the cat's hostile behavior before his body unwillingly tensed up, sensing a presence behind him and immediately turning around.

The folder dropped to the dirtied ground.

The detective widened his eyes. His blood ran cold. Terror is making him too afraid to move. Standing before him was a masked individual holding an axe. The stranger lifted the axe, and before the man could let out a scream, the axe struck into his jugular, and blood spat out of his wound. The stranger removed the axe, and the detective made a sound similar to a gurgle as he put a hand to his wounded neck. The axe was raised again. The axe hit the other side of the old man's neck, and he let out a strangled gasp. He fell to his knees in a pool of his own blood.

The maniac was looming over the dying man, a bloodied axe in their grasp. The man felt his life slip away as his vision began fading. He sluggishly blinked as he watched his murderer bend down, pick up the dirtied file folder, and stand up.

With all the remaining strength the man had, he reached out and made a strangled sound. The stranger tilted their head slightly, as if taunting the dying man then turned around and walked away into the night.

Leaving the detective to succumb to his death.


"So another murder, huh?" A redheaded officer said, shaking his head mournfully. "It's the second one this month."

"Indeed it is, sheriff Whitelock." A officer answered, scribbling down words on a notepad. "Are you informed of who was murdered Sir?" The officer inquired, letting his pen hover over the page as he glanced up at his superior.

"No I am not-"

"It was detective William Grey, Sheriff." the policeman revealed. shifting his gaze back to his notes and continued documenting. The sheriff stared at his colleague for a few seconds. "Are you sure it is the detective?" He asked. "Yes sir. Unfortunately, by the looks of things as of currently it seems he was stabbed twice in the neck by a type of chopping weapon, we're examining the body for further evidence. But we theorise it's the same killer whose been terrorising the town for a few years now." The officer replied

"I see...truly a pity. Detective Grey has been our Lead detective for the past six years." the sheriff remarked, putting a hand to his chin in contemplation. "Has officers found the case folder of the current Runswick killer that detective Grey was working on? He told me he was close on making a breakthrough."

"No Sir. We only have the file with standard information, it seems the personal case folder of detective Grey has vanished." The other man muttered.

The sheriff narrowed his eyes
"Hm. Okay, get me a copy of that folder, we're gonna need another detective on the case as soon as possible."

"...Yes sir."



A woman with h/c hair opened the door.

"Ah, sheriff Whitelock, what can I do for you today?" The woman spoke with a smile.

"Good day, ms. Evans. I've come to you with an request" the man said politely before warily looking over his shoulder. "Oh well what may that be sheriff?"

The sheriff cleared his throat "it is not matters I would wish to discuss...in the open." His voice low as if scared someone was listening in on the conversation. The woman raised a eyebrow "is that so?.." she uttered, tapping her nails against her door in slight thoughtfulness . "well then, by all means come on inside sir," she approved, stepping to the side to let the man through the threshold.

"so what may be the urgent matter you would wish to discuss with me?" She coaxed as she lifted a cup of tea she had prepared to her lips.

The pair was sitting opposite each other at the woman's dining table who just brought in two cups of tea before sitting herself.

"William has been murdered"

The brown haired woman stiffened for a moment and gave the sheriff an uneasy expression "The detective has ben murdered?!" She qauvered. "Yes but we're-" he began, "do you know who did it?" She interrupted.

The man shifted in his seat in discomfort "Yes...we're suspecting the Runswick killer striked once again" the woman suddenly stood up from her seat and gave him a glowering look, the male flinch under her gaze. "The Runswick killer? Detective William got murdered by-..!" The female snapped before forcefully composing herself, fixing her posture and took a deep breath.

She leered at the man before continuing "The killer whose been wrecking havoc in our town for what? Two? Three years now? killed the lead detective in our department? What does this say about your abilities to keep our town safe? It was already uncertain, but that you let it go so far that, the-, the lunatic can kill a law enforcement officer, and can't even suffer a single consequence because your officers are too incompetent to-.."

"Evans." the sheriff sternly scolded

The woman frowned and closed her mouth clenching her fists as her only protest.
The man sighed. "I know this information is not easy to take in, however it's important to stay level-headed." He reminded. Silence enveloped the room. "So why did you come to me?" She asked. The male stayed silent. The woman grinted her teeth. "Why did you come to me, Ben?"

"I need you to take over the case as lead detective." The man reached into his bag and took out a file folder and slid it across the table. "This folder contain all the information you need- or rather all information we possess. Crime scene photos, witness statements, police interrogations and so on."

The woman glared at the folder. "C'mon, Layla. You were the best Lead detective we ever had up until-.."

"Do not finish that sentence, Ben." she hissed.

"I just want you to consider taking the case, please. " He pleaded.

"Fine. I'll take it."

𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀 𝐁𝐋 [M! Yanderes x M! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now