02 • Arion

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🎶Tkay Maidza - Where is my mind.🎶


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It seems Jeremiah is determined to mess with me. It's been three good minutes and he still hasn't revealed what I allegedly did yesterday that's currently got him smirking like an idiot. I hate suspense, every form of it, even in movies. It makes me unsettled when I don't know the full story of something, and now that it's my full story I'm trying to find out, it's way more annoying that I'm being kept in the dark...on an asshole's enjoyment.

"Can you just tell me? We're missing class here." Although attending class is sort of the last thing on my mind right now.

Jeremiah chuckles before crossing one leg over the other, looking so calm and relaxed, like last night didn't happen but now that I think about it, I'm not exactly shaken outwardly myself. He might be like me, good at keeping his mental breakdown inside, or he really isn't bothered.

"When we woke up-"

"In the woods?"

He looks slightly annoyed at being cut off. "In the woods, everything was pretty much normal. It was like nothing happened but you..."

I narrow my eyes, wanting to snap at him to go on but, he doesn't seem like he's purposely stalling anymore, it looks like he's honestly trying to find the right words.

"You were different."

I furrow my eyebrows. "How was I different?"

Jeremiah shifts a little, his own eyebrows furrowed and lips puckered slightly.

"It got to a point where I kept asking if you were okay but you wouldn't answer me," he says, "It was really weird, your eyes were like empty, y'know more than they usually are."

"What are you saying Jeremiah?" I sigh.

"It was like you were possessed or something," he says, snapping his fingers afterwards. "Yep that was it! You were so out of it, I was talking to you but it's like you couldn't even hear what I was saying."

What? That sounds so strange. Did that really happen? Or is he just playing with me?

But, why don't I remember any of this?

"Then what happened?"

"Then you started walking," he answers. "You know how when you wanted to walk home before and you kept going in the wrong direction?"

I nod.

"Yeah, this time, you knew exactly which way to go." He narrows his eyes as he looks at me, as if trying to figure out something. "You literally walked home without saying anything, you were just in your own world."

"Did you follow me home?"

He nods. "Had to make sure. Your phone took a pretty hard hit and you wouldn't take it when I was trying to give it to you so I had to follow you home. You got there, went straight to the window and actually climbed it in. It was kinda funny. I managed to throw your phone in before you shut the window on my face."

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