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🎶Katy Perry - ET.🎶


I know I shouldn't be here at this time of the night. It's 11:30 and although my town, Bowcreek, is the epitome of a safe town, I shouldn't be here, in the woods, at this time.

Even though my house is relatively close, I'm still away from it and I won't lie, I'm a bit skeptical as I'm sitting on a log on the ground. But as much as I'm bothered about it, I can't find it in me to go back home. Not when the night sky is as beautiful as it is, a pale full moon, with tiny stars dotted around it, some hiding behind shallow clouds, some twinkling. The night air is cool, not too cold, it's just right and the silence, apart from the occasional animal noises, is thrilling.

It's a good night to be out. As long as my mom doesn't realize, I can get away with this.

Minutes pass of me just sitting, staring up at the night sky and drumming my fingers on the bark of the tree I'm sitting on. Another minute, I'm twisting my finger on a loc, another, I'm humming a tune under my breath.

It's the next minute that I finally give in. I bring out my phone, letting out a scoff as I turn it on. To think I'd planned to leave it behind at home. I should've known that there's no way I can spend an hour without being on it.

Messages flood in as I turn on my mobile data, from my various social media apps. I click on Whatsapp and amongst the numerous unread messages, I decide to check on the group chat I'm in with my friends. "The cool kids".

I scroll through the previous messages.

Mike T:
Yooo y'all watch the news tonight?

You watch the news?

Mike T:
usually nah but earth is literally on the verge of an alien invasion so excuse me for being concerned

Relax all those sightings are fake

You seriously still believe that??


the government is behind all this

I roll my eyes. Peyton's always one to believe that the government is behind everything.


Mike T:
See I would've believed this five months ago but mr ogar went missing last week

Mike T:
remember his wife said she saw strange "objects" in the sky before he disappeared

My heart skips a beat as chills fill my body. This whole UFO sightings thing is getting everybody on edge. No matter how most people try to act like it's nothing. No matter how many memes and jokes have been made about it on Twitter. It's a real thing. It's really happening.

At first, I hadn't cared too much. It started with a girl claiming she was abducted by aliens on their spaceship. She went on numerous shows, telling her story. We all just wrote her off as either a psycho or just a girl trying to get her five minutes of fame. I mean, I'd heard of people claiming to be abducted by aliens before. Those stories were false because, of course they wouldn't be true. I mean, aliens? Yeah, that's just crazy.

But then, the stories kept increasing. More people kept coming forward. Some claiming abduction. Some claiming to have spotted weird objects in the sky. Some claiming to have experienced weird "not earthly" activities. Some claiming to have seen said aliens, face to face.

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