Chapter Thirty Four- Jake Isn't A Psychic

Start from the beginning

Caleb and Jake were great with each other, but they also avoided telling each other when they had an issue and let it build up until they both exploded and had an argument. It would sometimes cause drifts between the group, but every time they would get over it and makeup.

It wasn't healthy.

But who was I to judge what is healthy?

"We're good, for the most part." He replied. I encouraged him to continue with a small smile, one that you give your friends when they need comfort. "It's just that he's not out yet, and while I don't have a problem with that, I can see how it's affecting him. I even think he sometimes gets a little jealous that I am openly gay, but he forgets that it wasn't easy for me to come out either." He let out a huff before continuing.

"Sure, my parents and my friends supported me, but he never saw the way my grandparents looked at me after finding out. He wasn't there when people threw things at me for going on a date in public. I've told him it doesn't bother me if he's out or not and that we are progressing on his terms, but he just pushes me away."

"Have you spoken to Jake about this?" I already knew his answer, but it didn't hurt to ask. I noticed him picking at his nails as he spoke, which was a tell that this had been stressing him out, so I threw him the pillow beside me to play with instead.

He shook his head.

I reached forwards, placing my hand on his leg in comfort. I would've given him a hug, but I'm still pretty sweaty, and I could tell he doesn't want one right now. He would have already opened his arms for one if he wanted one.

"I remember when you first told me you were gay." I started when I realised he wasn't going to say anything more. "It took a lot of courage for you to tell me that day. It took even more courage to tell Xander and the rest of your friends before telling your parents, but you did it. It was a gradual process, and it's going to take a while for Jake, just like it did for you. We're teenagers. We have emotions and feelings that we like to push aside, but how are you and Jake going to get through this if you don't communicate with each other?"

Communication is key for a relationship. If you can't be truthful with one another, then what is the point?

I didn't wait for him to answer before continuing. "Jake isn't a psychic, Caleb. You should tell him how you feel before you end up pushing each other away." I didn't want to see them break up. They were good together, and both have changed for the better since being in a relationship. It would be a shame for their relationship to end because they couldn't talk to each other.

He didn't reply at first, trapped in his own thoughts. I didn't mind, though. I wasn't expecting a response.

"If I wasn't gay, I would marry you in a heartbeat." He joked, but it was clear that he wanted to drop this conversation. "Seriously though, you always know the right things to say and actually tell me to get off my ass and do something. Whenever I go to Xander, he tells me the opposite."

"I thought you learnt not to go to your brother for advice when he convinced you that partying was a good idea the night before a major exam." It was not. They turned up the next day with hangovers and complained the whole day. Somehow, they still managed to get top grades.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time." He waved his hand in the air, brushing me off. "Speaking of my brother," His wide smile told me that I would not like his following words. "What's even going on with you guys?"

Throwing my head back onto the headboard, I let out a groan at his question. It was a question I wasn't sure I had an answer to.

"I don't even know myself," I replied truthfully. I had no idea where I stood with him. I don't think Xander even knows what's going on between us. I'm sure Caleb has already discussed it with him. They tell each other everything.

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