Chapter 6

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Anna POV

I woke up this morning to a pounding on my apartment door. They can't be mad about rent already! I've only been here a day! Uggg this better be important.

"Oh, hey Els wha-" she suddenly cut me off.

"Anna, I need your help!!!" She shouted at me while shaking my shoulders. She just needs to calm down.

"Els Els Els, just calm down! And STOP SHAKING ME!!!" I shouted at her. "Ok, now take a deep breathe and tell me slowly what is wrong."

"Ok....Anna, I think I'm falling for someone..." She said longingly.

"WHAT!!! ELSA! I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT! OH ELS THIS IS WONDERFUL I-" and I was cut off again. Geez, Elsa needs to stop cutting me off.

"No no no NO! Ok Anna this is a huge problem! I just met this guy! But he's so nice and sweet and handsome and...." she started staring off into space and her talking faded away as a smile crept on to her face. That sparkle in her eye was back. The rosy color in her cheeks was back.

Elsa was back.

I snapped my fingers in front of her face "Elsa! HELLO! EARTH TO ELSA!!" She then came out of her love daze.

"Jeeze he really has you under a spell huh?" I said laughing a little between my words. It isn't everyday Elsa finds a guy.

"Anna!! I'm serious! Help me out! How do I figure out if he likes me even. What if he was just being nice." She said, her smile slowly fading.

"Els, if he was the one who asked you out on your 'date' then he probably likes you!" I said.

"You know what, your right." she said. Elsa hasn't really ever opened up to me about things. And now that she is, it actually feels like we're sisters now.

"I'm glad you have someone now. I mean when I found my someone-" I soon regretted what I had said.

"WHAT!? Anna, what do you mean?" She questioned me. Oh god, I am soooo screwed.

"Erm yeah about that.....I have a boyfriend. And when we moved here, he came with. He lives just down the hall...." I said slowly so she wouldn't tell at me.

"Anna!............Why didn't you tell me? That's wonderful!" She said.

"Wait, what?!" I said shocked. She has always been the one to disapprove of things. This guy really has changed her.

"Anna don't act so surprised! I knew. When your phone isn't locked and «my reindeer babe» always is texting you, I kinda figured." She said laughing.

"Elsa! Why didn't you tell me you knew!" I said to her lightly punching her arm.

"Because this was way funnier!" She said laughing.

"Whatever Els. So, who's this guy you've got the hots for?" I said to her while smirking.

"I do not have the hots for him Anna, is just a little crush." She said blushing profusely.

"Hots. Ok so what's his name." I said to her.

"His name is Jack. He lives on this floor I think." She said still blushing.

"Ooooo so how'd you meet?" I said putting my hands under my chin to listen to her more.

"Well, funny story, I actually spilled coffee like all over him when we were first moving in and then we started talking and yeah. He's so perfect agh like his eyes are just the most beautiful cyan blue. His hair is perfectly messy and his smile, oh his smile. I melt every time he smiles! He's so hot! Agh God! I have never met someone so kind and sweet and perfect and-"

"Okay that's enough. I don't need details about your "feels" Els, ok?" I said sort of weirded out by seeing my sister like this. "I asked how you met not everything about him!"

"Ha ok Anna. Well, who's your boyfriend then?" She asked me smirking.

"Oh Kristoff, yeah he-"

"YOU'RE DATING KRISTOFF!" She practically yelled at me.

"Uh yeah, why?" I said somewhat concerned.

"I saw him the other day and he was acting really weird around I now why!" She said. Wow, she has no idea how long we've been dating.

"Heh yeah...." I said nonchalantly.
"So, about this Jack thing......what are you going to do?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I mean he lives on this floor so I guess whatever happens happens." She said. 

"Ok well Els I am pretty tired so I am going to go to bed. You can stay or go home which ever." I said yawning.

"I will probably head back to my place. Night Anna." She said as she left.

"Night Els." I said to her as she left.

I can't wait for the future. What if Kristoff and I get married and Elsa marries this Jack guy and we get s bunch of friends and have this like big wedding group and it would be so cool. 

But, that's just a thought. I will probably meet the people who live on the floor tomorrow.


Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. I know it was short and kind of sucked but I will post another chapter soon as it will be better 😏

P.S. The pic isn't mine


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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