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Someone was helplessly yelling for Muzan to stop. It was an unfamiliar person but Aoi shared the desperation in the stranger's voice.

Tears were overflowing from Kanao's eyes.

Aoi's too, without realizing it. She knew she wouldn't make it in time. She knew she would have to witness her family die so she shut her eyes tight even when a minute passed and no sound could be heard.

This brat is still alive?


Muzan's voice in her head was followed by Kanao's, who was right beside her when she finally opened her eyes.


Kanao is alive.

"Yeah. Sorry for being late."

Tanjiro's alive. He placed Kanao carefully on the ground as the Kakushi approached to help, also struggling to hold back her tears.

"Take care of her."

She winced while trying to get up. She had reconnected her body parts but that didn't mean that the process didn't hurt. She wondered if Genya felt the same pain.

Someone helped her stand.

It was the first time she held Tanjiro's hand. It was unusually hot but she let him help her up.

One side of his face was completely covered with..

"You look repulsive. Who's the demon now?"

An image appeared in Aoi's mind. Someone with the same earrings as Tanjiro. It was followed by Muzan's fury.

She picked up her sword. It had become lighter.

His reasons for distaste don't matter. The hatred I have for him is stronger.

Kamado Tanjiro. You really disgust-

Before Muzan could finish his thought, he was being simultaneously attacked by two humans linked to his blood.

Aoi didn't get distracted by Tanjiro's blade changing colors. All that would matter to her for the remaining hour left before sunrise was to turn Muzan into a puddle of the same color as Tanjiro's blade.

The elements of their breathing were supposed to contrast one another but they worked well together against Muzan instead.

It would be like being dipped in freezing lakes for a second then their bodies were on fire the next.

She couldn't tell anymore if Tanjiro was using total concentration breathing or blood demon techniques.

Tanjiro was faster than but Aoi's attacks had more force.

As much as Aoi hated to admit it to herself, Muzan was still stronger and faster than the two of them combined. Her head throbbed.

She moved away as fast as she could. She wouldn't be able to dodge well if she couldn't concentrate because of Muzan's brain becoming flooded with questions.

Was Tanjiro unable to hear their enemy as loudly as she could?

Tamayo, an important person to Yushiro, was absorbed by Muzan. The demon who worked with Shinobu.

When he found out what was causing the slight delay in his movements, Aoi didn't know what to feel. Something deep inside was telling her to share his rage but her mind was overjoyed that he felt like a fool.

Her hearing was messed up. The only way to describe it was that it kept losing and regaining focus. She could hear everything around her while hearing nothing all at once.

Ice Breathing/氷の呼吸 (A Demon Slayer Kanzaki Aoi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now