Chapter 40

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Chapter 40- Good boy, it's you! ! !

In the night of the interstellar age, the starry sky is always bright and magnificent.

Because of this, whenever you fly at night and look up at these distant and gorgeous nebulae, there is always a sense of awe and loneliness that inevitably arises.

This Nebula Bay on the top of the order is also the most magnificent place on the Emperor Star.

Standing at the highest point and looking at the north from afar, it is not only as if you can reach out and touch the mysterious pink and purple stars above your head, but also overlook the gorgeous lights of the entire central city at night.

At night, the central city of the first star field has always been bustling and noisy.

But here, I can see countless light spots and lights, but there is only the silent night wind in my ears.

"A-Rin, this place is really a fairy tale."

Fluttering her cream-colored wings, she stood quietly on the edge of the cliff, and her lavender eyes also reflected countless gorgeous lights.

"This city is also very good."

In the past, not only the principal, but everyone turned out the lights early in the evening.

On resource-exhausted galaxies, lighting a lamp is quite a luxury.

An energy block that wants to keep a lamp on all night can get all the kids to put on a new pair of shoes.

So when the whole planet is at night, in addition to the ruling hall, that is, the school library will have a faint light.

At that time, everyone was lying on the small window, and they could see the light from a distance.

Everyone knows that the principal's little nephew is inside, which is the most enviable thing.

But here is different, it can have such a dreamy night scene at night.

So everyone in the light should have no shortage of shoes to wear.

"This is the foot of the dragon family."

Naturally everything can operate in order, and become increasingly prosperous and peaceful.

After the war tens of thousands of years ago, the central city can be said to be in ruins, but now there are nine star fields.

This is the splendor under the rule of the dragon race.

Seeing the little guy's milk-gold wings quivering slightly by the evening wind, Jin Rin couldn't help but looked away and looked at the city lights in the distance.

There was an innate arrogance in the plain tone.

"So Rin, do you come here often?"

"...I used to do it often, but it's been a long time."

"When was it before?"

"When I was young."

"But you are still young now . Or a little dragon."


On the top of the silent order, for the first time, there were some soft conversations, a little rambling and a little casual, but strangely not annoying .

It's like a little more firework smoke like never before here.

Jin Rin looked down at the little monster with a big slap, and was silent for a long time. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pinched the little guy's wings, and pulled it back.


"Don't fall, you're not afraid of heights?"

A-rin grabbed and pulled him and almost fell, fluttering his wings and wanting to struggle, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, he obediently took a few steps back. .

Re-attached to his own Arin side.

I seem to have accidentally stood a little too close to the edge of the cliff.

But this is also because this "star" is so beautiful, even more beautiful than the stars in the sky.

"The adult day of the dragon race is far earlier than any race. When you have enough power and are recognized by the dragon god, you are a dragon in the sense of adulthood."

"You need to take corresponding responsibilities and obligations."

I didn't intend to respond, but I don't know why. After being stared at by the little monster for a long time, Jin Rin still explained.



"Then you are still a little dragon. In my eyes, you have always been very small. Look, your dragon horns are still a little broken and need to be taken care of."

He raised his head and looked at Arin beside him. Although he had become a human, two black dragon horns appeared on his forehead.

But compared to when I first saw it, the color of the dragon's horns seemed inexplicably more glorious.

At least, it's not gray anymore.

"...Take a good look at the scenery."

The next second they looked at each other, a familiar black dragon tail suddenly wrapped around the waist of the little monster, and repositioned the little cub who was trying to stare at him, facing him not far away. Gorgeous scenery.

After becoming a human, without the black scales, it seems that there will be some flaws.

After all, few people dare to get so close.

Except for this daring little monster who likes rhetoric.

"Arin, your tail can come out, I'm thinking about it."

Qiu Qiu frowned and let himself be trapped, reached out and touched the scales on his tail, as if he wanted to bow his head to the dragon's tail Just say something.

Jin Rin, who was still a little stiff: ...? ?

In the next second, the dragon's tail disappeared with a bang, leaving the little guy to flutter.

"Arin, where is your tail?"

"...No, you are not allowed to touch it in the future."

Ignoring the tail's protest and the little guy's blank eyes, Jin Rin looked away indifferently.

It's a bit frivolous to touch the tail casually after changing shape.

"However, I think it likes being touched."

Qiu Qiu seriously recalled the inexplicably aggrieved dragon tail when it was taken back, and tried to discuss it with Ah Rin.

Jin Rin: ...

"It doesn't like it."

The next second after Leng Bang's stiff answer, the little monster in front of him seemed to see something, and he pursed his lips and laughed lightly, always a little shy .

The fluffy milk-blond hair hangs by the ear, and is plated with a beautiful light edge by the gorgeous lights in the distance.

It's pretty.

This little monster, when leaning against his arms, trembling and crying sadly, is also very good-looking.

Just like a piece of crystal clear glass, the light and shadow can tremble with a slight touch, making Long Xinsheng, who has always been addicted to collecting, happy.

But this is something to be wary of.

Otherwise, wouldn't all the dragon race become undisciplined and undisciplined when they saw this little monster.

It's like a liar held by the Bu'ao Qiang steel ring.

"A-Rin, then why don't you come here often? I think it's really beautiful here. You can watch it every day without

getting tired of it." Jin Rin's stare made his face inexplicably warm, Qiu Qiu restrained his smile and pulled at him. Mao Mao turned around.

Still couldn't help but ask curiously.



"Maybe it's because the person who brought me here is gone."

Looking at the distance with an indifferent expression, Jin Rin glanced at the little monster who was obviously curiously sticking up beside him.

Those things in the past, it seems that it is not so difficult to say it now.

Not even emotions.

"My mother..." After that.


After hearing these words, Qiu Qiu's lavender eyes widened slightly, so that the lights reflected in his eyes were a little on and off, even more sad than Jin Rin.

Jin Rin: ...?

"A-Rin, so, that's why you were picked up by your father after you? The others bullied you and broke your dragon horns?"

A-Rin's mother died, and then A-Rin was kicked out , was thrown into the forest at the last breath!

Recalling the occasional conversation between fathers discussing Ah Rin in the hall, Qiu Qiu always felt as if he suddenly understood a lot.

How could his own Arin be such a poor little dragon.


Jin Rin was suddenly hugged by this beautiful and sentimental little monster, and he flicked the dragon's tail subtly.

The little monster seemed to think the other way around.

They have a very complicated attitude towards the queen mother and the elders.

When was your dragon horn smashed?

Can not remember.

When it was picked up by the elders, the dragon horn had been broken for too long.

"...Do you want to go to the palace in the back?" He

reached out and touched the little monster's hair, and this time he finally lifted the broken hair, revealing moist lavender eyes.

Although the palace is very boring, some places are quite beautiful, which should make the little cubs like it very much.


"A-Rin, you, you are too bold, isn't that the dragon's palace? The dragons in the QAQ palace are scary!!


Moreover, the dragon clan also threw out the little Yalong, A Lin.

I will bully my father and brother in the future.

But just as Jin Rin finished speaking, Qiu Qiu in front of him widened his eyes, fluttering his wings and emphasizing seriously.

Jin Rin: ...?

"Also, Dad said that there is still the little dragon with the worst temperament of the dragon family, but don't be afraid, Arin."

"When you grow up, I will protect you."

He reached out and touched his own home . Ah Rin's head, Qiu Qiu's tone was very serious.


At this moment, Jin Rin suddenly felt a little subtle.

Should I say thank you?


Just, how did this always good-natured little monster have such worries and vigilance towards the palace?

And just like last time, he seems to be a little bit hostile to himself in the palace.

What will be the reason.

Somewhat strange.

The second floor of the Prince's Mansion.

"Dad!! Big brother!!! When are we going upstairs, why do I have to catch that guy tonight!"

Qiu Yiming flicked his tail and stared at the cub's room not far away. He wanted to rush in and catch him now. Live that suspicious outlaw and subdue it on the spot.

He actually dared to secretly stay by his brother's side.

Just asshole! !

"Red dragon scales, but that Yalong is black, is there really a second dragon?? Or is it a real dragon?"

Qiu Chongshan looked at the dragon scales, his expression a little serious for the first time.

"But Alov's lineage is famous for its ferocious temperament..."

Wouldn't it be a cold sweat if I discovered this evil dragon lurking next to my cubs now? !

"But if you want to investigate, my lord, I think that bottle of dragon blood is the starting point for everything to go wrong."

And Lyman looked at the tense scene at the moment, and carefully combed everything that went away.

It seems that many suspicious things were created after the young master transformed himself.

Even from the perspective of the young master's transformation itself, there are many doubts in retrospect.

Since the second floor of the Prince's Mansion is the private area of ​​the prince and the young masters, there is no related monitoring equipment like the first floor and the hall.

What's more, the Prince's Mansion is the most terrifying existence on Emperor Star. Usually, as long as the Prince and the Second Young Master are in the mansion, there is no need to worry about any foreign invasion.

[The biggest foreign enemy of Quan Dixing is here.jpg] "

Can't that guy not break in by himself, but was brought back by himself?" Qiu Yiming impatiently grabbed the lion's tail and was about to tie the knot.

Yan frowned and looked at Laiman beside him.

But this time, Laiman kept silent by default, and looked at Qiu Chongshan and Qiu Jingyu.

"That shit, Ames, there's really a big problem with this dragon's blood!"

Qiu Chongshan slapped the table, and the whole table almost shattered.

"The most important thing is the question on the homework. It has a lot to do with the pure-blooded dragon on the top of the order. I can't..."

Did the pure-blooded dragon go to his younger brother? ? ?

What's wrong with these dragons?

Qiu Yiming is really puzzled, what are these dragons thinking about! ?

Don't they have any cubs at home? ? ?

Why are they all staring at their brother! ! !


"That bead."

"Second child, is the bead you held in your hand very similar to this dragon scale?"

Qiu Jingyu, who had been silently recalling the scene of the transformation the next day, suddenly suddenly He asked Qiu Yiming who was irritable.

If there is anything more beside my brother, it can only be the blood-colored bead.

Blood red to the point of a little strange.


"Damn it, it seems, really..."

Qiu Yiming scratched his head and slowly recalled a small bead he pinched that day. It seems, really, the color of this red dragon scale is too similar! !

"Wait a minute... Wait for the little guy to fall asleep."

It would be best to keep those who approached with unknown intentions around without disturbing the younger brother.

The little guy is too young.

Judgment is not mature enough, once someone with ulterior motives tries to please them, there will be endless troubles.

"Then in another ten minutes, go to cover the quilt on time at twelve o'clock."

Qiu Chongshan knocked on the armrest of the chair impatiently, feeling a burst of anxious anxiety for the first time.

It's really hard to raise a cub.

In the future, we have to cultivate the awareness of rejecting the approach of bad people from an early age!

What kind of thing is it to keep bad people by your side to do your homework! This dragon is too useless! ! !


After One Bead had finished cleaning up the messy room by himself, and by the way, after checking the master's schoolbag before school started, Ortnes squatted on the window sill, looking at the starry sky not far away, and suddenly sighed deeply.

Wow what a wonderful childhood.

Wang took his master to see the stars the day before school started.

Why do I suddenly feel that even the beginning of school is a bit romantic?

No, my single dragon is suddenly a little lonely.

Never before has a dragon led him to see the stars! Obviously, he was also a beautiful man in the dragon clan back then, okay?

Why don't you try to let the master call you together next time? The master of QWQ

has always been very good-natured, and he will definitely agree to it, but he always feels that Wang Hui does not agree.

Wang is really stingy.


Don't think you didn't see it, Wang Fanming chose this orange starfish pillow on purpose.

Alas, I just don't know when the two little guys will come back.

However, with the king following, it is unlikely that anything will happen in this universe.

As a single dragon, Ortenes sighed, and jumped back into the house from the windowsill, intending to go to sleep after the last round of magic.

How do you feel that you have become a home nanny dragon?

[Red Dragon is sluggish]

No, you are the guardian beast of your master. Tsk, protect the most beautiful master in the world hahaha! !

However, just as Ortnes was happily rolling and spinning on the bed again, there was another movement from the windowsill.

After knocking on the window a few times, a familiar voice sounded.

"Ortenes~ We're back! We brought you a present."

I couldn't help flapping my wings and happily flew back to the windowsill. For the first time, I felt a sense of happiness in the middle of the night.


And Jin Rin, who was flapping his wings majestically behind him, held the bag in his hand with an inexplicable expression.

In the end, instead of going to the palace, he was dragged by the little monster to the central city, and he used the three miserable star coins in the bag to buy three packs of hand-pulled candy from the street artist who didn't know if it was clean or not.

How can there be such a simple mobile stall in the market near the central city... I didn't know it before.

How did Abraham and the others usually care about Lu copying "Hey

, you guys are finally back, master~~~ and the king..."

But just as Ortenes was about to run over, an indescribable cold sense of murder struck his entire body in an instant.

No, something is wrong, someone is coming! ?

As if being stared at by a beast in the dark, he intuitively looked at the door of the cub's room.

"Damn, sure enough—! I have to catch you!"

"Ow—~" With

an earth-shattering roar, the door to the cub's room was instantly pushed open, and the golden giant lion was imposing. Extraordinarily jumped up and slammed into the cub's bed with the beast's claws.

One knocked down the red dragon blood ball that was trying to jump up.

"Can you take it easy, kid??? They said don't disturb the cub's sleep, why are you so impatient??"

Qiu Chongshan jumped over with his tail, but after a beat, he could only become For the second time, I suddenly disliked the second child's irritability in a rough voice.

"Cut, to treat this kind of guy who has ulterior motives close to my brother, you have to hold it tight. What if he runs away...Fuck, it's broken?"

Qiu Yiming squatted on the bed proudly, not caring at all. Dad was obviously jealous because he couldn't be the first to sprint in at 12 o'clock.

However, when Qiu Yiming was about to dish out a few handfuls of this "prey", he found that the jumping red bead he caught in his hand was actually...

shattered, shattered?

Beaten so hard?

"Dad, Dad...Brother? QAQ you..."

Almost at the same moment, Qiu Qiu, who was pulling the windowsill and was about to come down, watched this scene in panic, his voice stuttering.

And Qiu Jingyu, who was slowly muttering about the house, almost followed the beasts in the house and looked up at his younger brother who flew in from the window.

Even Lyman opened his eyes slightly, unable to believe what he was seeing.

younger brother! Actually! Out in the middle of the night! ! !

My darling ran away from home in the middle of the night! ? ? ?

The young master actually went out in the middle of the night and he, the general manager, knew nothing about it! ?

"That, that..."

Don't look here! ! !

Qiu Qiu was so nervous that even his wings were blown up, but he looked behind him in even more panic, wishing he could spread the word.

It's not that I'm worried that I'm being seen, but the humanoid Arin behind!

A-rin... A-rin must be coming! ! !


there was also a roar of furious roar coming from the bed which was so wonderful that it suddenly caught everyone's attention.

"Fuck, what the hell is this!??"

Qiu Yiming was so frightened that he jumped away and almost rolled to the ground, shaking the lion's fur and watching it all like hell.

"It really hurts! Why are you pinching the dragon's neck?? Are you a lion with a serious brain problem?"

I saw a red-haired little lady suddenly transforming into the bed, covering her head and pointing at it cursingly Qiu Yiming, who was beside him, could not wait to rush over and beat him.

A small one, but his expression was extremely irritable and full of anger! ! !

Pieces of fine red dragon scales appeared on the neck cut by the lion's claws.


Not only the three members of the family were stunned, but even Qiu Qiu on the window sill was stunned.

"Ao, Ortenes...?"


Qiu Yiming cried out strangely, staring back in disbelief.

"That's right, it's Ortenes, why, have you heard the name of the master?"

Arrogantly and fiercely covering his neck, Ortenes took the opportunity to glance at his master not far away.

The hostile look in the previous moment only turned into a smug hint of "giving it to myself" when he saw his master.

[Master can fly with confidence~ Long and Long will always be with you! ! .jpg]

Qiu Qiu: ...

Jin Rin, who was about to come in outside the QAQ window: ...

But I forgot, once the Dragon Blood Ball is crushed, this guy will come out.

And after being sealed away by himself, 90% of his spiritual power, this guy actually turned into a human cub.

It looks...

it's exactly the same as what Abraham once mentioned.

Very immodest.

Jin Rin suddenly had a subtle understanding of Abraham's four-character comment.

"Fuck, you little pervert, you have grown up like this?? You dare to jump on my brother's bed??? I'll beat you to death!!!"

Qiu Yiming was simply angry.

Good guy, it's not that bad-tempered Yalong to worry about.

On the contrary, the red dragon, who was secretly lurking beside his younger brother, looked like an indecent look! ! !

He looks like a little scumbag! ! !

"Huh? Isn't the young master handsome?"

Although he is a face control, his appearance has always been good, and he is just a bit worse than his own master.

Hee hee, after learning from the master and turning into a little cub like Wang, he must be very handsome.

I was sealed by the king too quickly before, and I didn't have time to show it. The master must love him even more after seeing it hahaha!

Ortnes, who has always admitted that he is a face control, jumped up and directly avoided Qiu Yiming's attack, and wanted to show off a few words proudly.

And this guy crushed his beads, but he made a mistake to restore his freedom...

Cough, although Wang was still looking at ORZ from the outside

, "Okay, good, good boy, so it's you!!"

It's just that just when Ortenes was about to shudder, he was caught off guard and raised his collar directly.

Qiu Chongshan's extremely fierce voice rang slowly behind him.

Ortnez: ............

Oops, I was too excited this time, and suddenly forgot... This family is three beasts. QAQ

master, save me!

[Red dragon flicks its tail and bursts into tears]

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