"I guess I deserve that and love you too a hat see you in the morning and you better get breakfast this time."

"Yes dad I will get my breakfast."

"Good night E."

"Night Gray."

Mrs Jake Rayman point of view

"I can't believe I am giving her a point of view but there goes noting let hope this goes well but I know it will not."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"How do you know that you piece s go and do what you were doing before you came."

"Whatever now let do this I really hope this goes well."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Stop that right now and start the story."

"Fine I will start hope you enjoy this."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Wait you better in joy this or else something bad will happen to her."

"Don't worry guys I can handle it you guys don't need to feel bad now let do this thing."

Now back to the story

Mrs Jake Rayman:
I can't believe she is just cleaning like that and no one is doing noting to her and she look happy doing this yeah there is no way I am going to let that happend so I went to one of the older boys room.

Roy and Liam:
"Yeah Mrs what can we do for you."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
I forgot to tell you that they are twins anyways. "Boys I need to guys to do something for me if you please."

Roy and Liam:
"Sure Mrs what is it that we can help you with."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"I need you guys to do something to that girl you know who am I talking about right."

"Yeah we know what do you want us to do to her."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Oh I do not care what you guys do to her just make sure it hurt got it."

"Yes Mrs can we do it now."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"If you guys like but before you guys do that I have some paperwork to do so just give me like 20 minutes then you guys can do it deal."

Roy and Liam:
"Oh yeah deal."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"That my boys anyways start planning what you guys are going to do and I will see you guys in 20 minutes got it."

Roy and Liam:
"Yes Mrs we got it."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Good see you boys."

Roy and Liam
"Bye Mrs."

20 minutes later

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Ok boys are you ready."

Roy and Liam:
"More then ready."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Good then go ahead."

"Yay thank you Mrs for letting us do this."

"Yeah I can't wait."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Anytime boys I can't have all the fun can I."

Roy and Liam:
"No you can not Mrs."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Good now go and have fun but I will be watching you got it."

Roy and Liam:
"Yes Mrs."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Good now let go." We walk to the playroom. "Ok boys you know what to do."

After what they did to her

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Well done boys you guys did a very good big and you guys made me you very really proud."

Roy and Liam:
"Thanks Mrs can we to bed now."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"If you guys want night boys."

Roy and Liam:
"Night Mrs."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"So you finally get what you deserve good for you now I will be letting them do more to you and you better be ready for it got it."

"Yes Mrs."

Mrs Jake Rayman:
"Good now go and clean the place up before you go to sleep but you better have one eye open tonight see you in the morning bye you little b." Once night time come I can go home no one have to watch them at night but I stay for a bit just to watch her think that noting is happening to her and it not only that so now I can go home. "Bye boys see you in the morning."

Adopt by my therapist brotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon