"Huh." I say, perking up at the mention of his name.

"Yeah. So I ask him to take the picture, and he says no! Asshole doesn't have anything better to do, but I guess he thinks that he's too good to help out his classmates. He just keeps walking, like-"

I tune out the rest of his speech, head turning in the direction that Salvatore had mentioned, and I spot the all too familiar purple ensemble.

"That's nice, Sal. Sorry, but I've gotta go!"

"Y/N! But can't you wait and take a picture?!" He calls.

I'm already past, taking two steps a time up the pathway that leads to the dorms. Giorno is close, almost in shouting distance. I speed up my pace-- one gear from jogging-- when I watch him go through the west doors of the dorm.

He's cradling something in his hands, completely absorbed in the object as he gracefully navigates the hoards of students and seemingly endless flights of stairs.

There's only a few steps between us. Giorno hasn't noticed me, or at least, hasn't acknowledged my presence. I catch a glimpse of the object over his shoulder, and I'm surprised to see a glowing lighter.

What he's doing with it is none of my business, but if I don't take the chance now, I might not ever be able to.

I jump up four steps, making up for the slight difference between us.

"Hey!" I call, reaching my hand out to grab his shoulder. "What the hell was that earlier?!"

Giorno doesn't jump. He doesn't do anything. In fact, he's still standing steadily.

"Don't do that. I'm busy right now, can you talk to me later?"

Though his words seem polite, his tone is laced with pure annoyance, throwing a glance back at me before shrugging my hand off of him and walking up the stairs.


I'm taken aback at his pure disregard of the events of today.

"No! I can't, now come back here!" I call out, taking the stairs two steps at a time to catch up to him. "Giorno," I say, following closely, "what the hell was that earlier?! You can't just ignore me, I have a right to know! This is insane!"

He stops in front of a door, and I have to stop myself from running into his broad back. The blond reaches his right hand out, left still cradling the lighter, and turns the knob, opening his dorm.

I enter the room after him and watch as he fiddles with items on his desk, propping the lighter in a makeshift hold with a piece of bread and a stack of books.

"Giorno?" I call again.

"I've told you before that I hate repeating myself. I'm busy now, so go away."

This is the first time since this afternoon that he's stood across from me face-on.

It's easy to read the room, we're both annoyed. I however, am for a different reason.

"No, I'm not going to go away." I firmly state, digging my feet into the floor to emphasize my point, "You're going to talk about this. I know that you don't pay much attention in school, but you're not stupid. You're going to tell me why you stole Koichi's luggage, and then you're going to tell me absolutely everything you know about stands."

He looks at me, for once, and pauses for a moment, opening his mouth an inch and relaxing his shoulders.


"Well that's-" I sputter, like a child that's been disregarded by their parent. My form may be ill-mannered to Giorno, but I'm talking to the thief who steals the luggage of innocent people.

"That's what I said, Y/N. I'm not going to repeat myself again. Now, if you don't mind, I have better things to do."

I shake my head, "Well I'm not leaving until you do."

Good one, Y/N. Act like a child who's asking for a new toy. That will really get him to have a civil conversation with you.

"Then don't. I don't care what you're doing, as long as you're not bothering me."

I shuffle uncomfortably into the room as he reaches past me and quietly shuts the door, clearing his throat after it softly clicks.

And with that, Giorno turned around once again, surveying his room like it was the Louvre. He stepped toward the vent on the far side of the space, reaching his arm up to feel the draft coming from the hole.

Then, he paced toward the window, latching the lock and stuffing a rolled-up pillowcase between the pane and the windowsill. 

He sighs, and glances back at the lighter.

Nothing is going to happen any time soon.

It's my turn to sigh, and Giorno's attention is on me when I make my way to the exit.

"I'm not going to forget about this!"

He simply nods, allowing me to leave, and I make sure to slam the door behind me. I hear a cry when the air conditioner buzzes to life, but keep my distance as I walk down the hall.

But it comes to my surprise that I run into someone on the way out.

_ _ _ _ _

A/N: This was originally the first half of a much bigger chapter, but I decided to split it and give you all something to read. I feel like a parent who's abandoned their child when I get notifs for this book :,).

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