Ending 1

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(( This is one of two ending so there is one more "chapter" coming! Enjoy!!))


Deku's POV

I was in the middle of class when I got a text. I quickly peeked at it under my desk. It was from Maddie, it might be important. As I read, my stomach wrenched.

Maddie😛: Hello? This is the first contact on this phone. Whoever owns this phone has just fainted, we called an ambulance and thought I should tell someone they know. You should probably get here fast.

Deku🐰: Oh god!  Where are you, I'm on my way now!!

Maddie😛: (Sends location)

I quickly stood from my seat and spoke to Aizawa. He came with me and left the class. It only took a few minutes to get there, and the ambulance was just arriving. The person who messaged me was really nice and worried. I then walked over to Maddie, I forgot the day today. It's close to the day. Damn it Maddie. I hope you'll be ok.

I went to hospital with Maddie, I had to stay with her. I promised.

Days of sitting with her in hospital is what I prepared for, but I didn't expect it to actually happen for this long. The doctors have told me several times, it's unlikely for her to make it, though I don't agree. I know she will. She has to, for her sake. I don't know what Aizawa has said to them but nobody has come to see her, not even Kacchan. I hope he's realised now. I can't let her die, but I can't force her to have the surgery.

Kacchan💥: OI. Where are you? Why haven't you been here for the past days? Answer or I'll blow you up.

Deku🙄: Please don't explode me again. I'm at the hospital. It's Maddie.


Deku🙄: I dont know?! Maybe Aizawa didn't want anyone to panic?

Kacchan💥: I'm coming to you now.

Oh well. He's going to be so annoyed that he didn't know. Welp, as long as he doesn't explode me again it'll be fine. I think.

It only took him a few minutes to get here, though it looks like he's been running. Maybe he does really care for her. Too bad she's unconscious.

" Where is she? "
" In the room. She isn't awake. "
" When will she be? "
" I don't know but it's been days. The doctors say we can go in but the flowers are getting worse."
" Fuck. "
" This is what she was scared of. Dying and no one finding out. I couldn't stop it. "
" How are you going to stop a disease Deku? Stop being pathetic. "
" Thanks, Kacchan. "

We waited for a few hours.
Turns out her condition is only getting worse.
The only chance she'll get is if I tell him, but how am I going to do that? I mean, he'll probably ask who her crush is again soon right?
I'll wait till then.

Another maybe half hour past until he spoke up.
" Deku, you know who it is, don't you? "
" Yeah, I've known since the beginning. "
" Why don't you tell me, we can find this guy and take him here. "
" Well, I thought Maddie should be the one to say. But, it looks like she might not get a chance."
" Get to the point, nerd! "

I laughed to myself. A sad laugh.

" I'm half surprised you didn't notice before, "
Looking up at him I gave a weak smile,

" It's You! "

Bakugo's POV

Reality sunk in as I heard them words.

" SHIT! "

I ran into the room, staring at her almost lifeless body. Pale as a ghost she lay on the bed, a subtle hint of peace.

" No, no no no no, fuck! This is all my fault. If I wasn't so stupid I could've told you earlier. If I did, you wouldn't be here. "

Sitting next to her, I held her hand.

" Shit. I don't know if you can hear me, or if I'm too late for this to work, but. "

My vision filled with tears as held her hand to my forehead.

" I fucking love you, I love you so goddamn much I didn't want to mess it up. I did so many stupid things, I can't take them back. "

" Just please, please. "

" Wake up! "

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I realised she wasn't getting up.

I clenched her hand as it came to me she was never going to hear them words.

I was never going to see her again.

And it was all my fault.

( A few weeks later )

I awoke to my alarms sounding. Lazily, I reach over to turn it off, then I realise what day it is.

Out of bed and getting dressed, I need to look good at least. I walked downstairs in the dorms. It looks like everyone is here. Melancholic looks echoed the room. Almost no one was smiling, those that are, well, they're faking it.

It's the day of her funeral.

I decided to buy her some flowers. The shop has all sorts, but I grabbed the lantanas. The ones she had, because of me. I paid and met everyone at the graveyard. They said goodbye then left. I didn't. Deku was here too. I place the flowers with her and we sat with her for ages.

" Oi Deku. Do you, want to come back tomorrow?"
" Sure, why don't we do this more. "
" Yeah. Sure "

" The least I can do is keep my promise. "

(( And with that, the first ending is done! Neither endings are cannon, I can't decide. So it's up to you to decide which ones you like more! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this story, I will be working on more soon!
Word count: 960))

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