Chapter 6- Childhood.

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*Gen's POV*

Michael holds out his hand for me to shake and as I grab it he says..

"Hello Gen. Welcome to Neverland."

He has a cheeky smile on his face, leaving me at lost for words.

I shake his hand, gasping as I feel a sort of shock. I stare at our hands and butterflied errupt in my stomach.

It's like our hands were made to be held by another. His being much bigger than mine, I look at all the veins, letting my eyes wonder.

He is so much more beautiful then I expected. Like I've seen posters and pictures of him, but seeing this man in person is a whole new level of amazement.

He's tall and muscular but also skinny. Seeing this man's dancer body is like a dream. His thick black curls fall down a bit past his wide shoulders and he has a few shorter curls hanging down in front of his forehead.

His eyes are hypnotizing, with their almond shaped lids with big dark brown pupils that you could get lost in for I don't know how long. They are guarded with long black eyelashes and he seems to be wearing eye liner.

His eye brows are deep black and perfectly arched. His contoured nose is cute and small. My body tingles as my eyes meet his lips. God he had these wide plump lips. As I stare at lips he licks over them causing me to do the same. The then turn into a small smirk.

I move my eyes down his body and his torso is going inwards, kind of like a triangle or a V and his waist are just so slender. He has long legs covered with black pants and on his upper half he is wearing a purple button up. On his feet he is wearing white socks and a pair a black penny loafers. On his right arm he is wearing a black armband.

Atop of his head is a black fedora and last but not least he wearing a belt with a big shiny silver buckle on it.

He is beautiful.

"Oh, Thank you." He chuckles.

I now realize that I have been holding his hand and have been staring him up and down this entire time. I take my hand away and place it at my side, feeling cold without his touch.

"Pardon?" I say nervously.

"You said that I was beautiful." He smiles, licking his lips once again, followed by digging his teeth into it.

Oh god.

"Oh- uh- You- You're welcome." I stutter.

He eyes me up and down, tilting his head.

*Michael's POV*

I watched as her eyes traveled across my body. It may be a little early in our friendship but I can play too.

"He is beautiful." She speaks lowly.

"Oh, Thank you." I chuckle giving her a quick wink.

"Oh- uh- You- You're welcome." She stutters. Adjusting her footing to the other leg.

I let my eyes fall from hers to other places of her body.

Her two-toned lips, her curved button nose. I watch as she plays with a strand of her long beautiful dark curls.

Moving my eyes down her body, her gorgeous brown skin, I notice her toned legs as she's wearing tight shorts. She must be a dancer or cheerleader.

I take note to ask about that later. I let my eues move up and down her body once more before they stop at her lips.

She bites the corner of her lip as I stare back up at her eyes and she stares back into mine.

My heart speeds up in my chest as she gives me a smile, making me look away. I cannot let her see me blush.
*Gen's POV*

After about 30 seconds of standing there in silence looking at each other he finally says something.

"You aren't to bad yourself." He says before winking at me.

I chuckle at his cute attemp at winking. I know I'm blushing because my entire neck and face heat up.

He smiles signing that he saw me blush even though I tried to hide my face with my other hand.

"So Gen, would you like a tour?" He asks rubbing his hands on his sides, bouncing on his toes looking everywhere but at me.

Is he nervous? Michael Jackson gets nervous?

"I would love a tour, Michael." I smile when saying his name.

"Well Genesis, come along." He starts to walk towards the back of the house but stops and reaches for my hand.

I look at his hand with a smile and grip his in my own.

My heart flutters as I feel that same shock from when we first touched, minutes ago.

I stare down at my hand in his as he does the same. Did you feel that too? I ask myself, shaking awake my thoughts as he clears his throat.

He smiles heartedly at me and began to walk once again.

After about 2 minutes, we make it to the backyard? I think that's what this place is. I look around at the beautiful sight. And I am in definite shock.

The entire back yard is filled with brick paths and amazing gardening. Flowers everywhere, lights everywhere, statues.

Its beautiful.

I don't know if I'm seeing things but I can swear that I see a Ferris wheel and a Mary-go-'round.

"Michael, this is beautiful. We haven't even moved around that much yet, and I'm already in disbelief at how amazing your home looks. But I have one question, why did you name this place Neverland?" I ask smiling.

"Thank You. That means a lot to me Gen. But are you sure you want to know? Its a bit of a long story?" he says scratching the back of his neck.

"Of course I want to know, whatever makes my good friend happy makes me happy." I say as he walks me over to the water fountain, sitting beside me, my hand still in his very own.

"Ok if thats what you want." He sighs. "I named this place Neverland because growing up, I didn't get to do the things normal kids got to do. I had already been working late nights in the studio by the age of five. I didn't have a childhood. I couldn't play outside, I couldn't have friends, I couldn't go to the movies or to a park. Nothing. Barely even school. Because I always had work to do. For such a young person, I probably had more responsibilities than the average adult. So I decided to create a place where I could be me. You know? Energetic and just over all happy. With animals, candy, carnival rides, and just elementary things. Where I can just escape the responsibilities of being an adult. Where I can have fun and where I won't be judged because of what I find interest in. Where kids can have fun and enjoy their childhood while it lasts, because I wouldn't want another child to go through what I did. I couldn't bare to see a child hurt be left out or forgotten of what the meaning of childhood is. Neverland is just a place full of pure innocence and love, no matter the color of your skin, no matter what you like or who, you will be accepted for just being..I guess, you." He explains looking down at his shoes.

I can tell that it brings him joy when talking about Neverland because of the way his eyes glow.

"Wow, I'm so sorry that you couldn't live a normal life Michael. I wish I could have been there and if I was, I would have definitely been your friend. And maybe we could have built this beautiful place together." I smile, playfully nudging his side.

He smiles at me and next thing I know he's hugging me.
A/N- Another chapter re-written. I'm starting to struggle a little. But certain things I wrote are so bad they make me upset😂, but I hope you enjoyed the mew and improved "Childhood".

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