Part 2

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i hesitated once again, hovering the pen just above the paper. i was cautious of kev's eyes on me, afraid that he would judge me harshly if i did something wrong.

he let out an exasperated impatient huff — then took my wrist by force in his hand, eyebrows raised to express his disappointment. my heart thumped..
i looked down at his perfect elongated fingers and how they covered mine.

"this goes here, because in the formula, b is-"
he explained to me once again in a quiet, still surprisingly calm voice.
"mhm," i hummed in agreement, feeling my eyes struggle to move from his beautiful hands to the square boxes on the page.

"now you give it a go," kevin enthused quietly in a mature tone.
"okay," i cheesed awkwardly, then did as he said.. and to my surprise my hands didn't shake so vigorously as i'd expected.

i finished.
"well done, good job," kevin praised me with an unintelligible expression and monotone voice, but for some reason.. in a way, it felt good. i couldn't deduce from his tone, either, how well i'd done at the question - but i watched him and his pretty eyes carefully as he analysed my answer, wishing i could see everything that was going on inside his brain.

"yeah, nice work. you got that one right,"
kevin gently smiled at me, holding my eyes briefly. my heartbeat sped up in excitement,
"ooh, yay~" i beamed back at him,
"so let's try this one now-" he began once again.

we worked through the first page of the question paper together for a small while; the awkward silences between us gradually became much fewer. i couldn't believe i was communicating so well with him.

kevin's phone vibrated out loud; he turned it over. all of a sudden, he pulled out his chair and stood up, taking his belongings and only giving a brief nod to me farewell as he cruised towards the exit with his powerful, confident walk.
i watched him go, surprised, seeing his hair swish as he ran a free hand through it. for normal people, of course, it would be unbelievably rude to abruptly leave without a goodbye.. but for kevin apparently it was normal.
he didn't look dishevelled or panicked about anything.. it seemed he was just bad, really bad at communication.

"please" kevin x reader (ezra miller) Where stories live. Discover now