Chapter - 22

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Zuljaan's Pov

Date - 15 October

*****18+ Content Warning*****


I woke up a little late today as I was busy in digging information about the girls Richard date in the past. And I must say he is a master player in dating, but not above me.

You have such a high self esteem, don't you?

My subconsciousness asked sarcastically to me. After attending some calls for work and had a long shower, I was descending down the stairs when I found Hania.

I blocked her way and she asked in irritation.


"Why are you always so irritated? I mean I haven't even done anything yet."

I asked and she start thinking.

"What are you even thinking you don't have a brain."

I stated with a sad face and patted her head. She pushed me to storm past me but suddenly turned and hold my arm. I looked at her hand first then at her face.

"Did you talk to Rick about anything?"

She asked. You can clearly see how curious she was, so I nodded although I don't have any conversation with Richard yet.

"What did you two talk about?"

She asked in desperation and tightened her hold on my arm. I again looked at her hand on my arm, then I looked at her smilingly and asked,

"Do you want to know about it?"

She nodded instantly and replied,

"Yes, of course, tell me in detail."

I want to laugh so badly, but before I can do something, my phone rang and it was Ella. I looked at her before picking it up. I was going to leave to talk on the phone, but she held my arm tighter and shook her head in No. I gave her a questionable look and she just shook her head again, stating that I can't leave.

I pick up the call and start talking with Ella. She start complaining about my mother. The typical Saas (Mother-in-law) - bahu(Daughter-in law) drama.

I was telling her to stop creating a drama on every small matter, when her finger tip touch my left cheek.

I stop talking as I look at her. She smiled at me by tilting her head and touched my eye lashes as I closed my eyes. She mumbled in the sexiest way,

"Why do you have such big eye lashes, it's unfair you know? I want... them."


Ella was shouting hello all the while, but I don't care at the moment. I opened my eyes and cut her call abruptly. I push Hania to the side wall and hold her by her waist, getting us closer.

"You shouldn't have done that."

I whispered a warning beside her lips. She close her eyes. I so badly want to kiss her right now. I moved myself closer to her but her phone started ringing.

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