"My medication hasn't kicked in yet, so the bullshit is going to have to wait." I muttered and watched as he sat down next to me. "Seriously? There's quite literally 500 other seats in this class and you chose to sit next to me?"

"Who did you think would be protecting you?" He smirked and gave me a glance. As if that look is going to make me fall in love with him. He's so arrogant, it's annoying.

"Don't you think," I asked pointing my pen at him, unable to hide my surprise at his stupidity, "it would be safer that you stayed away from me? Isn't that the whole reason why we are where we are? Because of our proximity."

"I did think of that, but I have intel that they already know who you are, background and all that. So there's really no point. For example, imagine someone walked in here guns blazing? What would happen? Besides, I'm in this class too." He chuckled as the teacher walked in. I decided to pop in a quid while I'm at it, may as well make this interaction a bit less painful as I try and suppress the memories of a man dying in front of me.

Well, men. Twice.

God this is crazy.

"What's your major anyways?" I asked turning to face him, leaning back in my seat. "Let me guess, psychology?"

"No, criminal justice, going into law." He cheekily stated. The irony of him trying to be a criminal justice major. "Shh, the teacher is talking."

God he's repulsive. An idiot and just a complete asshole. But I can't help but remember what he said about killing not being that easy. I really want to know more about him like how he got to where he is. And what does he do?

"You said you'd get me some weed didn't you?" I asked looking over at him when the teacher got too boring to listen. We were closer to the back, since the wall is right there, so nobody could really hear us.

"At it so fast?" He laughed and handed me his phone. "Put your number in, I'll get it for you."

"You may or may not know this, but I'm having a smoke sesh tonight. So you can enjoy from a distance." I muttered as I handed him his phone back with my number in it.

He deleted the Ria from Valeria leaving Vale. "Vale," he whispered, saying it correctly with a Latino accent. "I like that name."

"That's not my name, give that back and change it!" I whispered yelled reaching over to grab his phone. He clicked his tongue making my heart flutter a little bit and put it away from me until I was practically over him.

"You're all over me." He cockily stated, immediately I backed away. "Aw, I was enjoying it babes."

"That's an immediate no." I shook my head and leaned back in my seat. "I can't believe you."

Soon the hour went by and I stood up from the desk and waited for him to get out. Instead he was looking at his phone texting.

"Excuse me." I said, this is the only exit.

"My bad." He muttered and went to close his phone, but I saw what was on it.

"What the hell?" I asked sitting down and grabbed his phone. It was a picture of me walking to class. Another photo dinged on his phone and it was of us two in the classroom right now. "Alex."

"I know." He grabbed my hand tightly, his phone in the other as he quickly dialed someone's number. "They're here, take care of it now."

"So you know who's after you? Alex, you have to tell me, what the hell is this?" I asked as he guided us through the building. Turning around, I feel like someone's staring at me. My heart began to beat out of my chest but it's a bad time to get a panic attack. I can't. The medication is kicking in and it's making me feel suffocated as it battled with my anxiety. I can't fucking have one right now. "Alexander, I'm going to have a panic attack I can feel it, I'm so scared, I don't know what to do-"

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