Chapter 1

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Classes begin today. I finished my phone call with my mom and finished getting ready. Looking at the mirror behind the door, my outfit was more full coverage than I'm used to. With some black flared leggings and a brown long sleeve shirt that was detailed with lace on the bust area. I have to be properly dressed for the weather. I brought a brown sweater just in case and threw on my white platform converse.

Just as I was touching up my curly hair, the door opened and Kylie walked in.

"Hey!" She smiled and went to her desk to lay out her books and everything. "You should head to the library for your books as soon as possible, the line was crazy."

"Oh yah! I already got them, did you know they have them online for super cheap! I can send you the website I used if you want." I offered and did the finishing touches of my mascara before turning around.

"Man, I should've thought of that." She laughed. She was wearing like three more layers than me.

"Is it cold outside?" I asked looking down at my outfit.

"Not really, I'd just say to wear long socks under those pants so you don't get cold." She smiled and looked at the clock. "I have to tell you about my day when you get back!"

Oh thank god! "Of course! I can't wait to tell you about mine, well, once I start it."

I love telling people about my day but my mom gets so annoyed. And then all the possible conversations that spin off that simple topic, but my mom would say it's a waste of words.

"Okay! I'm off." I have fifteen minutes to get to my arts class, it's one of my gen Ed's that I have to get out of the way, it was a dance class. I thought that was the most interesting since I'll already be doing creative writing as one of my majors.

It's crazy how Kylie and I are roommates but we don't have similar majors. She's a biochem major and I'm double majoring in law and creative writing.

Entering the classroom, it was more of a studio than what I was expecting and it was a mixture of people. Setting my stuff down where everyone else put theirs, I turned to face the class and instantly got intimidated.

These people look so profesional and just, not my type of people. But maybe I'm being too quick to judge. I need to drop the look off my face and smile a bit. I sat down and drank some water, not really sure how to talk to anyone.

They all seem to have their own cliques. Another girl rushed in, she had very defined fro which was nice to see. Someone who looks like me. My curls are a couple levels down from hers, but it's something compared to everyone else in the room.

She set her stuff down near me and at first, I think she's going to say something. But she didn't. Okay. Maybe I should say something?

"Hey! I'm Valeria." I smiled and waved. Why did I wave! Who waves nowadays? This is so embarrassing I can feel my cheeks go red.

"Hi! I'm Arles." She said and waved back, she moved her stuff closer to me and sat down. Good, a friend. "So do you like to dance?"

"I love dancing but I only know how to like Spanish dance, like bachata and salsa and all those. But not really hip hop or contemporary." I explained and looked over at her, turning to face her. "And you?"

"Well I'd love to learn those dances, but I'm only knowledgeable in hip hop, modern, and contemporary. I used to dance as a kid. I do know there's a recital for this at the end of quarter, so that's exciting." She explained as the teacher walked in. We both smiled at each other before taking our place on the dance floor for warmups.

My only class for the day isn't until the very end of the day. Bidding goodbye to Arles, I decided it's a nice day to just look around campus for a while. Maybe I should check out the libraries.

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