Seven Minutes In Heaven

Start from the beginning

"Has Beth sorted herself out?" I asked him as the room sat watching the huge timer/clock on the wall that said 3.5 minutes.

"Half way there!" James shouted into the crack where the doors met.

"Good" squealed Rachel making me giggle.

"Well...she's stopped harassing me 'as' much but I wouldn't say she's completely over me. What can I say? I'm fantastic!"

I rolled my eyes. Just when he was starting to have a decent conversation.

Suddenly a loud bleeping filled the room and Rachel banged on the doors until James opened them, Rachel falling headfirst out the cupboard and then picking her bag up and walking straight out the room. A couple of minutes into Sam and Millie's go, Peter also left the room muttering about an early night.

The scary beep filled the room again and Sam and Millie emerged from their cupboard and before anyone could ask them any questions hurried from the room, although I was sure I saw Sam's hand find Millie's as they made their quick escape.

This time, Sirius and I shut the door as James and Lily were in the closet together. As we were so close to the space, we could hear a lot of their conversation.

"But I love you Evans!"

"I don't care whether you love me or not, I don't like you like that and you're always horrible to Sev and I. Also, stop calling me Evans! My name is Lily. L-I-L-Y. If you like me so much, stop using my surname"

I could tell James was lost for words and I saw Sirius press his ear closer to the wooden surface.

"Okay. But just one kiss. Please Evans-I mean Lily!"

"Sofia! You're outside aren't you?" Lily called through the wooden panel where I was stood.

"I am indeed my friend. How can I help you?"

"Open the bloody door and let me out so I don't have to spend one more minutes with this absolute idiot" she shouted the last part.

"Much as I would love to do that Lily, I am afraid you still have two minutes left on the clock" I struggled not to laugh and I saw Sirius doubled over on the other side of the cupboard.

"But he's annoying me" she whined "and he smells" she added and I heard James start to speak up.

"I don't smell, I'm very hygienic" I couldn't stop the laughter here.

"Fine you don't smell. Nice" Lily said meanly.

"If you don't like it then just go somewhere else!" James said pettily.

"Maybe I will" Lily replied crossly.

"Maybe you won't" I cut in "you've got thirty seconds left on the clock!" I heard a groan and a laugh from inside the cupboard.

Sirius was crying and I was creased up from laughing so hard. When the alarm finally went off Lily started banging on the door, just like Rachel had.

"Okay! You can let us out now!"

"Maybe we could keep them in there a little longer Sirius?" I turned to face him and saw him frantically patting his pockets and coat.

"That sounds great" he said, his voice wavering. "We don't have a choice" he mouthed at me. My eyes widened I hurried over to him and started helping him look for the key he had lost.

"This is a disaster!" I cried.

Suddenly, Tia appeared behind me and held a copper shape in front of me!

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