Seven Minutes In Heaven

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That evening, I watched while Tia and Lily twirled around our dormitory trying on different outfits.

"Hey, Sofia! You need to try this on" she held out a red, cotton skirt, a white t-shirt and a denim shirt. They helped me out on all the clothes and then accessorise with a thin brown belt, a pair of tights and a pair of brown boots.

Lily and Tia decided on other outfits, Lily wearing a floral skater dress and far too much makeup.

"Lily you're not even trying to impress anyone, why are you caking on so much makeup?" I asked her exasperated.

"Who says I'm not trying to impress anyone" Lily cut back.

"HughhughJAMEShughugh" Tia coughed grinning cheekily.

"Shut it Tia, you know I hate the arrogant little toe rag. Anyway it's not like you're not wanting to get in the cupboard with Remus!" Lily shouted, throwing a hairbrush at Tia.

"Whose wanting to get in the cupboard with me?" Remus took that opportunity to open the door unexpectedly and stroll in.

I started laughing so hard I fell off my bed.

Tia on the other hand, blushed brighter red than Lily's lipstick and ducked down behind the bed to hide her embarrassment.

"Did you come to get us Remus?" Lily asked, slipping her pumps onto her feet.
"Yeah, it's time to start! James and Sirius have gone down already, I think Peter followed but I said I'd wait for you lot and walk with you"

"Okay let's go!" Said Tia loudly, appearing from her bed and practically running out of the door.

~~~~~ ~~~~~

"Okay everyone. Thanks for coming, I can't wait for this game!" I laughed at James' far to obvious enthusiasm. I heard Lily giggle loudly too and I gave her an odd look.

"So we're going to put the girls names in a hat and boys, you're gonna take a name and then in another hat, we're going to have numbers one to five. These will demonstrate whether you go first, second and so on..." James finished.

"Everyone ready?" Sirius asked the circle of people.

"Yeah" we told him. Let's do this.

Sam went first and he took Millie. I smiled, I had shipped 'Sillie' forever!
Remus took Tia which caused them both to blush and me and Lily to high five.
Peter took Rachel, he seemed really keen but I laughed when she scowled and glared at James who was taking the names out of the baseball cap in his hand.

Shit. I thought to myself, this leaves me with James or Sirius. I wasn't too sure who this would be more awkward with.

"Soph, you're with Sirius so that means Evans, you're with me" he winked at Lily who gave an audible grumble.

"Alright Soph!" Sirius held up his hand for a high five. I looked blankly at him causing him to slowly lower his hand.

"Rachel and Peter are one, Sam and Millie are two, Lily and I are three, Sirius and Soph...four and Remus and Tia are last"

James rambled off the positions while everyone moved to sit near their partner.

"Hey" Sirius said, sitting down next to me.

"Hey" I replied quietly as I watched Rachel and Peter climb into a large cupboard together. I then heard Rachel shout "don't touch me!" and scuffle around - I assume to a corner of the cupboard where she would sit for the whole seven minutes.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Me? I'm always okay!" I laughed as I said this.

"It does seem so" Sirius grinned.

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